Putting the pieces togeather, somewhat.

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   Stings POV

   After the Paint Drag thing we all spent the night a Loke's where we are now.
I walk up first. As I lay there I think about our lose. I really ticked, I mean we were about to win. I could frinking taste it.
And that girl Blue Rose, it just reminds me of that girl Yukino.
   Something hits me, literally.
      "Walk up Sting." Yells Natsu.
    "Uhh... I'm up al......." genius hit me. All those girls, their names.
"Guys, I just figured something out." I say. I get some weird look but my tone convinces that it's serious.
    "What??" They all yell at me.
I grin and pull out a  huge whiteboard.
   "Men. We have a problem."
   I state,
  "Spit it out Sting." Yells Gajeel.
   "Fine. You know that team who beat us?" I get glares form everyone. "Well anyway. I think their the Enemy."

Jellal POV

"Well anyway. I think their the Enemy. My mouth drops open. But if you think about, it does make sense.
"I think he's right guys." They nod, I nod, basically we spend about a minute nodding.
"So I think Red's actually Scarlet." I say slowly. That seems to get the bother thinking.
Gray brings out his phone and turns on Hello by OMFG.
   "Dude, really?" Asks Bickslow.
    "Hell yeah!" Yells Gray before he rips off his shirt.

  Time skip to when they are done putting pieces    together

    "Ok. Let me review, Red is Scarlet, Blue Rose is probably Yukino, chances are Katana is my sister, I bet that Little Warrior is Levy and that Heart Hammering is Aries." Says Bickslow. I hear Loke gasp quietly but don't decide to ask.
"And I'm sure that Cana, Lucy and Lisanna are with them. So out of the other names who's who?" I ask.
"We can figure that out later," yells Natsu, "LETS EAT!!"
We all laugh and run downstairs.

Time Skip to Monday

Cana's POV

I walk into FTH and spy Lisanna. She sitting by the statue of the school founder, Mavis.
"Hay Cana, can we talk?." She asks slowly. I nod and sit down.
I take a big sipe of my juice.
"What's up?" I say, damn I nervous. I mean, what if she doesn't want to be friends any more.
"Well.....I have crush." She bursts out. I smile.
"That's awesome! Who??" Her small grin fades and she mutters something,
"Uhh what was that?" I ask before taking a big sipe.
"I like Bickslow." I spit my drink all over a random plant nearby.
"WHAT!!!!" She grimaces. Seeing that I wave my hands around like a mad lady.
"No, no its cool......" I stutter. She smiles and I grin.
   Then we hear the bell. I look at my phone class has already started. We high five and run to class.
    I slam open the door Prof. Goldmine look at me and points out the door, I sigh and walk out. Just before I go I hear laughing.
    Next thing I know my eyes are being covered by someone's hands. I spin around.
To find my self face to face with Baccahas. We're so close our noses are almost touching.

   I jump back and fall on the floor.
     "Don't scare me like that." I yell at him. He just grins and sticks out his hand. I bite my lip and grab it.
    As much as I hate him, he is pretty strong, I give him that. When he pulls me up, I bounce up and hit his chest.
     It's rock hard, now to go with a butt that's in serious pain, I now have a concussion. Yay.
   We both step back. He grin and I thank god I don't blush easily.
   "Knew you loved me." He smirks, I sigh, flip him off and walk to detention. He fallows me with his hand in his pocket.
    I am about three feet away from the detention room when I get pinned against a wall. All I can see is his annoyingly good looking face.
      "So why do you hate me so much?"I grit my teeth and knee him in that spot. He falls to the groaning and cursing.
    I walk in to detention very pleased with my work. About five minutes later he walks in, and sits as far as possible from me.

     Time Skip to Lunch.

I sit at the table next to Erza and am just about to eat my sandwich when I see Gramps walk into the room.
      "ALRIGHT LISTEN UP BRATS!" We all look around nervously,

Time skip after school!!

    Lisanna's POV

     I ran inside up to my room holding the letter tell me everything I need to know about this school trip.
    I jump onto my bed and rip it open. As soon as I get the papers out I start to read.

To: Lisanna Amara Strauss
You will be with the team spending 2 weeks on Tenrou Island. You and the others are helping the save baby turtle that often get washed up on the beaches there. The trip will take place on March 5th. Please be at the school by 8:30 am.
I grin. Tenrou Island is in the tropics and we'll probably get to swim. I take out the next piece of paper.

Packing list

• One rain jacket
• One pair of closed toe shoes
You may also bring flip flops or sandals
• 5 to 8 pairs of shorts and pants (we recommend shorts cause of the heat)
• 7 to 10 tank tops and shirts
• A bathing suit
• 4/5 towels
• (For the girls) a few dresses
• two weeks worth of underwear
• Sunblock
•any thing else you will need.

I grin so wide that my face might split and pull out a map, a form for my parents to sign and my plane ticket.
I'm going to Tenrou Osland Baby!

Well I can't wait to see what happens on Tenrou Island!!!
My question is what is your all time favorite Anime?!?
I have no idea! How about you??

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