My little pony: Six secrets

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Pinkie Pie's POV


I bounced up to Twilight's house and knocked on the door. It opened a crack and Spike poked his head out.

"Oh, hey pinkie." he said, looking mildly disappointed.

"Hi Spike! Can I talk to Twilight?" I yelled. I was just toooooo excited!!

"Yeah. Come on in." I bounced in and the house was completely dark.

"Twilight!?" I yelled. "Are we playing hide and seek? OHHH! One! Two! Threefourfivesixseveneightnineten! Ready or not here I come!" I yelled, dashing up the stairs. I abruptly stopped. Her mane looks beautiful. "You're mane looks beautiful." I whispered. The way the purple flowed down her neck and her bangs fluffed just enough...

"Oh, thanks Pinkie." she replied and blushed slightly. "What brings you here today?"

"I'm having a PAAARRRRTAAYYYYY!" I screeched. She covered her ears playfully.

"Oh! Delightful! What time?"

"Immediatly!" She looked shocked. "Well, right after I get done inviting everyone."

"What's the occasion?" she asked cautiously. So I could see all my beautiful friends, duh! But I couldn't say that!

"Uhhhhh..." I stammered. "I just feel like I haven't spent any time with you guys lately!" I replied nervously.

"Oh, ok. Can I start walking to Sugarcube Corner now?"

"Yeah! Go ahead!"

"Thanks Pinkie!"

"Bye Twilight!"


Twilight's POV


That's weird. She had a party yesterday. And the day before that. And the day before that! I wonder what the real reason is for all these parties. I'll have to investigate. But she said she liked my mane! I hope she didn't notice me blush.


Pinkie Pie's POV


Ok, next stop, Fluttershy. I knocked cautiously.

"Who is it?" I heard faintly.

"Pinkie Pie!" I said in a sing-song voice. She opened the door a crack.

"Hi Pinkie. What's up?"

"I'm having a PPPPAAARRRRTAAAYYY!" I yelled. She ducked back inside. She was so cute when she was scared.

"When?" she inquired.

"Right now! Well, after I invite everyone else. Hey, can you invite Dashie for me? I dot have my hot air balloon today."

"Of course! Just let me give Angel a bath, then I'll invite her."

"Okie-dokie-lokie!" I turned and began to bounce away. Next up, Rarity.


Fluttershy's POV


I ran upstairs and dove under my covers. Oh, I hope nobody sees me doing this! I want to get this out of the way, just in case. As my hoof came in contact with the flesh in between my legs, I shivered with delight. I rubbed harder and harder until I spasmed with delight. Ok, time to wash up and then head over the Dash's house.


Pinkie Pie's POV


I pounced on Rarity's door. She opened it sleepily.

"Pinkie Pie! What is it?" she whined.

"I'm having a PAARRRRTAAYYYY! So get dressed and come over to Sugarcube Corner!" I yelled and bounced away.


Rarity's POV


Oh, can't I just get some beauty sleep? I sighed and got dressed. I looked in the mirror and saw the... Thing and turned away in disgust. I got dressed and covered it up and began to trot to Pinkie's house.


Fluttershy's POV


I flew to Dash's house and knocked politely.

"Who is it?" she yelled from inside. I whimpered. "I said who is it!?" she yelled again and the door flew open. I ran and cowered. "Oh, Fluttershy. It's just you. You've gotta speak up. So, what's goin' on?"

"Pinkie Pie is having a party." I whispered. Her eyes sparkled, but she quickly recovered.

"Again?" she sighed. "Come on, let's go."


Rainbow Dash's POV


A chance to see Applejack again? I'm there!


Pinkie Pie's POV


I arrived at the barn and knocked on the door. It flew open.

"Howdy Pinkie!"

"Hi Applejack!" I squealed. "I'm having a PAARRRTAY! Wanna come?"

"Sure! Can I bring my new apple pie that I've been trying?" she asked, gesturing toward some yellow thing on the counter. It looked disgusting. But smelled DELICIOUS!

"Of course!" I said.

"Ok! Let me grab it and then I'll walk with you." she said and grabbed the "pie" and we started walking.


Applejack's POV


It was an uncomfortable walk. I had my pie in my mouth, so I couldn't talk. She walked slightly behind me too, and I could feel her eyes on my hindquarters, but didn't say nuthin'. Then we arrived at Sugarcube Corner.

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