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I couldn't help but to stare over at him through narrowed eyes. Eyeing him up and down for what he was playing at, I blinked a few times and glared some more; shifting my feet a little as I turned my head a little to ease the irritation of his question.

"That's not funny," I pointed out, my hand squeezing the glass of juice a little more than I should. 

Mr. High and Mighty raised a brow, as he retorted just as seriously as his question, "Wasn't meant to be."

I felt my jaw tighten the longer I stared at him, and I was feeling really insulted---even though he knew damn well that I had a kid. A son to be exact. His. 

 "You've got some fuckin' nerve, Auric," I spat back, trying to keep my voice from rising, but not that it would matter since no one was on the other side of the door to hear. 

As I thought of that though, where the hell was Ophelia? That bitch is supposed to be hanging off the alpha's arm at the moment, isn't she?

The reminder of her announcement the day before irked me, and I squeezed my eyes shut to keep from getting sick again.

I thought back to during the wedding, after my blowout with Auric in the barn, when the Six explained to me about how Ophelia came into the picture to begin with. Apparently the other alpha that occupied Blood Moon Falls had come to Mr. Dennison's pack to make an alliance of some sort so that they could both run the town peacefully. 

"With Alpha Brown, came his family to be introduced to the rest of us," Langley stated before Jonah continued for her. 

He frowned when he spoke about how Ophelia had been the one who became overly interested in his little brother. He explained how she was constantly visiting the pack to "get to know" the Six, but that the Six knew it was really Auric she was there for.

"My little brother was the next alpha," Jonah stated, "And she's an alpha's daughter. Imagine how that would look to the Werewolf Council and the rest of the packs around to know that one day in the future there was a possibility of a pack being run by two alphas of the strong bloodline." 

I wrinkled my nose, looking at Violet when she scoffed, "Yeah. And it didn't help that Auric looks the way he does. That was just a plus for her." 

The Six relayed to me how it wasn't until three months after I had left town that Ophelia and Auric had actually become a "thing". Apparently, they started off as an on-going fling until three months after that Ophelia had pressured Auric to making them "official". 

"Pressured?" I asked, lowering a brow. "You don't think he went into that relationship willingly?"

Violet rolled her eyes, leaning forward on the table with her arms crossed in front of her. She scoffed that it may have looked like Auric was in the relationship willingly, but that I had only left six months before, and sleeping with Ophelia was really supposed to be just a way to get over me. 

She raised a brow that I should remember that from past experience. 

Biting my lip to keep from being bitter and saying something of the like, I fidgeted uncomfortably in my seat. 

Picking up where she left off, Easton jumped in.

"She's pretty high maintenance, but we just put up with her because I mean... well... she was Auric's girlfriend. And on top of that, she was always at the house. Everyday. It was hard to hang out like we used to because as soon Ophelia would show up, she'd drag Auric away to his bedroom and leave us all hanging."

Thea's Return (Book 2 in the Original SOCIETY Series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now