New Year's Resolution

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A/N: This began during January, but was put off forever. It's not that great; actually, it's quite sucky. But, hey. It's what I got. (big back and forth on P.O.V.)

Warning: Nothing to warn about!

Mark P.O.V.

I've always done this certain tradition with my family every New Year's Eve. We would write a list of goals that we would want to complete during the year. On New Year's, we'd check off what we accomplished. We'd then create a new list for the next year, but whatever we didn't do the year before, it'd be put on the list. Then, we'd burn the old one, ridding ourselves of the old year. For 3 years, I've completed everything I put on my list but one: tell your crush how you feel about them. I don't think I ever can. You see, my crush is my best friend. His name is Jack.

Jack had moved from Ireland to Ohio with his family 4 years ago. He was kinda a shy kid when he arrived at my school, but he seemed nice. So, I decided to become his friend. At first, it was a little difficult because he wouldn't talk much. But, when we found out we both had a big passion for video games, we just clicked. After that, he opened up to me. We discovered that we had so many things in common. He's the bestest friend I could ever have. Even when I came out to him....

I decided about 2 years ago that I'd tell my family about my sexuality. It was really difficult for me to do since nobody knew about it. So, to try and make it a little easier for me (and to have some practice for my folks), I wanted to tell Jack first. When I stuttered out the words "I'm gay" to the Irishman, his face lit up and his arms wrapped around me. However, the words that emitted from his mouth gave me a surprise.

"Same here, buddy."

Jack then told me that he was bisexual, and he thought about telling his parents as well. He was so happy to know another person who was willing to come out to people. He told me I gave him courage because of those two words I said. It made me so happy to know that because it made me think I had a chance with him.

But, I know I don't. Jack wouldn't think of me that way. He's my best friend, for crying out loud! I guess the way I feel about him won't change, though. I love him.

And that's that.


Jack P.O.V.

I told my parents goodbye as I exited my home. I began to walk down the frozen sidewalk toward my best buddy's place. Mark's family had invited me over to their New Year's party since my parents were heading out with some friends. I was okay with it, though. They were like my second family.

Ever since my siblings grew up and moved out, I didn't really hang out with anyone. Then, I met Mark, and my world opened up to something new and amazing. He was the greatest friend I could ever ask for. He is such a funny guy! We have like, the same sense of humor. And, he has such a big, kind heart. He has done some much volunteer and charity work, and he's only 17! I was so happy when he came out to me. It takes a lot of courage to that. Believe me, coming out to my parents wasn't easy for me. I'm just glad they accept me for who I am.

But, there's something else. You see, I'm in love with Mark, and when he told me he was homosexual, my heart exploded. All I ever wanted was to know that I had a slight chance with him. And, now it feels like I do. Yet, I'm afraid. I'm afraid he'll never see me as more than a friend. I'll just keep quiet.

I shook off my thoughts. I needed to be the guy's best bud tonight, not romanticize him. I stepped up onto his porch and knocked on the front door. It swung open and I was greeted by Mark's mother. "Hi, Jack!" she smiled at me. "Mark's upstairs if you want to head up and see him." She is so kind. I feel like she's my second mom. "Thanks. It's good to see ya! We'll be down in a bit." I hugged her before I began my climb up to Mark.

I swung open his bedroom door. "Hiya, Mark!" I greeted him loudly. Mark looked over at me with a shocked expression. I guess he wasn't expecting that, even if it's what I usually did. Suddenly, I noticed a piece of paper in his hands. "What's that?" I asked, getting closer to him. He scooted away from me as he hid the paper from my sight. 'What the hell is on that?' I wondered silently.

Mark P.O.V.

Damn it! I forgot that Jack was supposed to come over. I had just finished my resolution list and I certainly didn't want him to see it. He came closer to me, which made me sink to the far corner of my bed. "I-It's nothing important," I uttered out. He looked at me with suspicion. I can't really hide it away forever.

"Well, could you at least tell me what it is?" he asked politely. "I don't have to see it."

I nodded at him. "It's this thing my family does every year," I explained. "We write down our resolutions for the year to remind us of what we want to accomplish. When the new year comes around, we look through each one to see if they are all complete. If some aren't, they go on the new list. The old one is burned to rid ourselves of the old year."

"That's an interesting tradition," Jack scratched the back of his neck. "Did you complete all of the old ones?" he asked.

"No," I whispered. "I didn't complete one."

"Oh," he said softly. He pondered for a few moments. "Hey, do you think I could make a list? It seems fun."

"Uh, sure," I handed him a piece of paper and a pen. He scribbled down something and smiled at it. I looked over at him. "What'd you put?" He handed me the paper, a blush creeping on his face. I looked down at the paper, reading the words written on them. "Confess your love to him" is what it said. My heart sank. He liked somebody. "Y-You like someone?" He nodded at me.

"Yeah," Jack smiled. "He's very sweet and kind. He likes video games. He's hilarious and can be rather stupid at times. But, he's also very smart. He's quite handsome, too."

Every word he said about this guy made me melancholy. I really wanted to know who the hell this guy was and how he made Jack fall in love with him. I kept wishing over and over that it was a joke, but I knew it wasn't. Jack wouldn't lie about this to me. "Do I know him?"

"You should," he nodded. "You see him every day."

I knew this guy? Wonderful. Fantastic. Now I really wanted to know his name. If Jack were to confess to him and he said he felt the same, I was going to make sure this guy didn't hurt him. If so, he was in for a beating.

I glanced over at my clock. The time was 11:58. "Oh, fuck!" I exclaimed. "It's almost midnight! Jack, we gotta head downstairs! We'll miss the fireworks and-"

"But, Mark" he cut me off. "I want to have my list complete."


"Mark, I-" he began to stutter. "I-I want to confess so that it can be over and done with." His face went completely red and his breathing was quick.

"What do you mean?" I asked. His crush wasn't around. At least, I didn't think he was. Unless.....

"I mean exactly what I said. I want to confess my feelings." He took in a deep breath. "I-" he bit his lip, which made him look adorable. "I love you, Mark. I have for a while now. And, I've been dying to tell you. Yet, I'm scared. I'm so scared that you won't feel the same and our friendship will be ruined and you deserve someone better and-"

I stopped his worried ramble by closing the gap between us. I kissed him softly, not wanting him to be afraid. He kissed me back, letting our lips move in sync. Fireworks began to go off outside, bringing bright colors and loud noise around us. We pulled away and I looked over at my clock. 12:00. I smiled at Jack. He had a bright blush on his cheeks and was playing with his fingers.

"I love you, too, Jacky," I pulled him into a hug. "Happy New Year."

I felt him smile into my shoulder, holding me tighter. "Happy New Year, Mark." He then moved out of my arms. "Wait, what does your list say?" He's always been so curious about everything, determined to know anything and everything. I handed him the list only stating a few words. His eyes ran over the words, soon growing wide as he came across the final resolution. "'Tell Jack you love him'," Jack looked at me with a giant smile and rosy cheeks.

"Well, that's one resolution down," he had our lips meet once more.

'Best New Year ever!'

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