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D A N I.😊😁😀 (💋👓👑)

Malak dm'd me:

@malakwatson: Can you open the door?

"Huh?" I thought as I walked over to the door. I opened it and Malak stood there with a bag of hot cheetos, some chocolate, and a sprite. I smiled.

He handed them to me and I threw it on the couch. I jumped up wrapping my arms and legs around him. I slowly pressed my lips against his.

As we kissed he walked in shutting the door. He sat on the couch so that I was sitting on his lap. I pulled away climbing off him. I smirked as I walked to my room.

I climbed on my bed laying on my stomach.  A few seconds later Malak came in shutting the door behind him. He sat in my computer chair.

"So... What are we?" He asked. I sat up smiling. "Friends with Benefits." I said looking at the TV.

"What are the benefits tho?" He asked. "You get to kiss me.." I said quietly. "I thought friends with benefits was when your friends with someone but you have sex with them on the low." He said.

I swear my entire face was red. "I'm not saying you have to do that! But, that's what friends with benefits are..." He said quickly.
"Can we be bestfriends instead? Wait nevermind.. you already have one." I said looking away.

"Are you jealous?" He teased. I stayed silent looking away. I put my head in my hands. "Are you crying? Babe I'm sorr-" I cut him off. " YES I'M FUCKING JEALOUS YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT I GET JEALOUS EASILY!" I yelled.

"But why are you jealous if your not even my girlfriend?" He asked. I looked down blushing. He lifted my chin with his finger.

"Friends." I said. "No. Just no that's too low." He said. "Well I guess we're dating then.." I said trailing off. His eyes lit up.

He stood up and put his hands under my thighs picking me up. I quickly put my arms around his neck so I wouldn't fall. He sat on the foot of my bed and laid back.

I turned around so that I was sitting on him backwards. "Your such a tease." He said. I giggled. I grabbed my phone and went on Instagram.

I watched this video: (It was censored but it clearly a man fucking some lady and making  her call him daddy or some shit like that.) "I bet I can make you call me daddy..." Malak said.

"Oh really?" I asked turning back around smirking. "Yep but not today." He said. I thought about if that did happen and since my mind is very dirty I started blushing.

"Babe." He said. "Hmm?" I asked looking at him. "What are you thinking about?" He asked grinning. "Nothing.." I lied.

"Your mad blushing." He said smirking. I looked away then back at him. I leaned down and kissed him. As we kissed I bit his lip and pulled it back a little. I pulled away.

"Were you thinking about dirty shit weren't you?" He asked out of nowhere. "Maybe.." I said looking around. He pinned me on the bed. He kissed me.

I Don't Wanna Be A Playa (Malak Watson)Where stories live. Discover now