The talk

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Authors note
So I know this chapter is probably going to be boring but this chapter is a filler and is probably going to be really short.
Chapter 16
Rene pov
I was driving to Carlisle's to talk to Bella. When I got there I knocked on the door and Carlisle answered the door and asked if I was there to see Bella and I said yes. He led me to a bedroom and said that she might be asleep. I walked into the room and saw that Bella was partially awake. I went to the side of the bed and asked her if she was sure that she wanted to go to court and give her testimony.
Bella's pov
I just woke up when my mom came into the room and asked me if I was sure I wanted to do my testimony. I had already thought a lot about whether or not I wanted to do it and I said yes. After that she tried to persuade me not to go but I wouldn't listen I was set on giving my testimony tomorrow.after that she left to go back to the hotel she was staying at and I passed out yet again for the third time today.
Authors note
So yeah I know super super short next chapter will be bella's testimony

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