Chapter 6: Movie night with Balut

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Chapter 6: Movie night with Balut

            After the fancon, Zac still need to meet with some people but before that he called Vanessa.

            “Hey,” Vanessa answered on the third ring.

            “Hey, um, did you enjoy the show?”

            “It was good, just like old times, when I watch you do some interviews.” Vanessa smiled on the other line knowing that Zac can’t see her smiling right now.

            “Yeah,” Zac remembered the days when Vanessa used to come with him when he do some interviews and when he come with Vanessa when she do one. Zac scratch the back of his head, “So, I was wondering since I’ll be leaving tomorrow do you want to eat dinner together? You can bring Lauren if you want.”

            “Sure, but don’t you have dinner with the organizers?” Vanessa knows how things work in their world and she knows that after every event, the organizers usually invite his/her guest for dinner with some other organizers or heads.

            “Oh shoot, I forgot. But, we can maybe watch a movie after that? Maybe we can catch some movie on TV? If you’re not yet tired though.”

            “I’m not but I bet you are. You had a long day today, Zac. I bet you need some rest.”

            “No, I’m fine. I really want to catch up with you. We haven’t talked for ages, and I miss you V.”

            Emotions rushed into Vanessa when Zac called her by her nickname. “Okay, I’ll see you at the hotel then.”

            “Sure, bye V.”

            “Bye Z.”

            Both ended the call with smile on their face.

            Vanessa and Lauren went back to their hotel as soon as Vanessa got off the phone.

            “Hey, do you think you’re the one Zac’s pertaining to in his interview?” Lauren asked on their ride back to the hotel.

            “Psh, of course not,” Vanessa replied. But at the back of her head, she thinking, no, hoping, that she’s the one that Zac’s pertaining to.

            “But what if? Besides, he keeps on looking at you throughout the interview.” Lauren said matter-of-factly.

            “He did?” Lauren nod. Vanessa didn’t notice that, maybe because she keeps looking down to hide her blush from her cousin. “But, even if he did, it doesn’t mean that he’s pertaining to me.”

            “Whatever you say,” Lauren shrugged her shoulders. She knows that those two still like each other and she can’t wait for the day she can rub in Vanessa’s face that, she told her so.

 When they arrived at the hotel, Vanessa took a hot shower and changed into shorts and sweatshirt while Lauren, clicked through channels in the TV looking for something good to watch.

                It’s already quarter to 11 when Lauren’s phone buzzed.

                “V,” Lauren looked up from her phone. “I need to go.”

                “What? Why?” Vanessa asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

                “It’s an emergency. My best friend needs me right now,” Lauren got up from the couch.

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