Chapter 1

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It was just a regular day in the Turtles' lair. Everyone was minding their own business: Splinter was meditating (or trying to meditate); Leo was watching Space Heroes, his favorite show; Raph was feeding Spike, his pet turtle, while trying like hell to ignore Leo's "stupid" show; Donnie was in his lab, working on who-knew-what-this-time; while Mikey was in the kitchen, trying out a new recipe using pizza ingredients.

"And a little salt...and a little pepper..." Mikey said, shaking said ingredients into the blender on top of the pepperoni, mushrooms, pizza dough, and ice cream he had already thrown in there. He looked around the kitchen and said, "Ah yes. A little cheese!" He opened the fridge and took out some cheddar cheese, then added it to the blender. After adding all the ingredients together, he put the lid on the blender and pressed a button to blend all the ingredients. When Mikey was done, he took a sip and was immediately disgusted.

"Blech!" Mikey exclaimed and spit out the concoction. He looked at the blender sadly and said, "Oh, man! I thought I had it that time. I wonder where I went wrong." Saddened by his failure, Mikey went to the sink, ready to dump what was left of his "creation" down the drain, when he overheard the commercials during Leo's show. He went to the living room to check it out after hearing something coming from the TV.

"Attention, all comedy lovers!" the commercial announced excitedly, showing two guys, one holding a small Coke bottle, the other holding a stopwatch. "Coming back to the New York City area, the famous comedy duo, Marvel and Cato! See it live, this Saturday afternoon at Madison Square Garden! Tickets are available online at the website on your screen!"

'Hey, I've heard of these guys,' Mikey thought and smiled. 'Their stunts are supposed to be really funny.'

Leo watched as clips of Marvel and Cato performing various stunts flashed on the screen. He rolled his eyes and said, "Now that just looks ridiculous."

"You're one to talk, Leo!" Raph called from his chair while still feeding Spike. "I don't know how you can watch that Space Heroes crap, and that's ridiculous."

"Oh, shut up, Raph!" Leo replied defensively, standing up in front of the TV. "What do you know about entertainment?"

"I know enough to know that Space Heroes sucks," Raph responded. "Spike, chew on your leaf if you agree with me." Spike chomped on the green leaf that was his lunch. Raph looked back at Leo and said, "See? Even Spike thinks so."

"That does it!" Leo exclaimed, getting ready to punch his brother. "I'm gonna enjoy this!"

"Oh, it's a fight you want, eh?" Raph said, getting up as well. "Well, bring it on, fearless leader!"

Both Raph and Leo started fighting each other until Splinter yelled, "What is going on in here?! I was in a deep meditative trance, trying to block out your incessant noise, when—" He paused when he saw two of his sons beating each other senseless. He banged his stick on the floor and yelled, "Leonardo! Raphael! Stop this needless fighting at once!"

Leo and Raph both heard their father and stood at attention. Then they pointed at each other and said, "He started it!"

"I don't care who started it," Splinter said firmly. "I'm finishing it. Now, either you stop fighting, or you're both grounded for a week!" Leo and Raph were silent for a moment. "That's what I thought," Splinter said. "Now, apologize to each other."

Leo and Raph looked at each other and—reluctantly—said, "I'm sorry."

"That's better," said Splinter.

"Not to be rude or anything," Donnie interjected. "But how am I supposed to concentrate on my work if you guys keep on going at each other like a pair of cats in a turf war?"

"Don't worry, Donatello. I already took care of it," Splinter assured his son.

"Thanks, Sensei," said Donnie. "Well, I've got to get back to work."

"Are you sure you don't need a break?" Leo asked Donnie. "You've been working in that lab for hours."

"Nah, I'm good," Donnie replied. "Thanks." He then turned around and went back to his lab to finish working on his new project. Unbeknownst to the other three brothers, Mikey was watching the whole scene, and a thought came into his head.

'Boy, my brothers and I could use an activity we can enjoy together,' Mikey thought. 'Donnie works really hard in his lab, and Leo and Raph are always getting into fights with each other over something.' The youngest turtle then got an idea. 'Wait a second! That comedy duo from that commercial. I bet they'd love that! I'll invite them to go!'

Mikey went over to Leo and Raph, since they were closer, and said, "Hey, guys, I just got a great idea! Let's go to Madison Square Garden on Saturday and see that comedy duo from the commercial!"

"I don't know, Mikey," said Leo. "The commercial said that show's during the afternoon."

"Also, it looks more ridiculous than Space Heroes," Raph added.

"Watch it, Raph," Leo said warningly.

"Oh, come on, guys," Mikey pleaded. "It'll be fun."

Donnie came out of his lab. "What'd you guys say?" he asked.

"Mikey's trying to get us to go see this comedy duo at Madison Square Garden on Saturday," Leo replied. "But it's during the afternoon. You know, daytime?"

"I don't know," Donnie said. "I think Mikey has a good idea. We could use a day out. And by 'we', I mean all four of us."

After much convincing, Leo and Raph finally agreed to go to the comedy show with Donnie and Mikey. The only thing they had left to do was to get Splinter to agree with letting them go up to the surface in the middle of the day. It took a little more work, but Splinter finally agreed to let them go, provided they weren't in the crowd. After agreeing to Splinter's terms, the turtles started making plans to see the show.

Author's Note: For those who don't know: Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, and Splinter are from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Marvel and Cato are from The Hunger Games.

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