Chapter 4

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While Shireen and the turtles were running through the city, Gieve was still on the phone with the girl he had been flirting with earlier. As he was talking, he heard two male voices behind him, then heard someone clearing their throat. He stopped in mid-conversation and turned around. Behind him were two teenage boys, staring straight at him. One of them, twelve and a half years old, had shoulder-length white hair and blue eyes, and was wearing a gray hoodie, denim jeans, and white sneakers. The other, sixteen years old, had a slight tan, long-ish brown hair and golden eyes, and wore a black T-shirt, black hooded jacket, black jeans, and dark brown combat boots.

"Oh, hey Arslan! Hey, Daryun!" Gieve said enthusiastically, then started getting back to talking.

The dark-haired boy, Daryun, grabbed the phone from Gieve, who didn't look too happy. "He'll call you back," he said to the girl on the other end, then hung up. He and the white-haired boy, Arslan, were still staring at Gieve in confusion.

"Hey!" Gieve complained after Daryun hung up the phone. "What the heck? Why do ya have to cramp my style, Daryun?" It was then that he really noticed the slightly-annoyed-but-angry looks on his friends' faces. "Uh, hey, guys," he said and grinned. "You're back...Uh, what's wrong?"

Daryun rolled his eyes and asked, "What do you think you were doing?"

"Uh...just, well, talking," Gieve replied nervously; he always felt uneasy when Daryun didn't look too happy with him.

Now it was Arslan's turn to roll his eyes. "Whatever." Just then a hawk flew into the living room from another room, landing on Arslan's shoulder, waiting for his owner to pet him. "Well, Gieve, to answer your question," Arslan said as he pet his hawk. "We just went to check on Shireen. And guess what? No Shireen! Azrael told me he hasn't seen her either!" He indicated his hawk, whose name was Azrael.

"What?" Gieve replied incredulously and chuckled. "No way, man. She's probably playing in her room. I'll show you." He led Arslan, Daryun, and Azrael down the hall and stopped in front of a door, opening it. "See?" Gieve said proudly, grinning as he and his friends stepped inside what looked like a typical little kid's room. "I told you she's—" His smile faded when he saw, to his dismay, that there was no child in the room. "What?! But, but...but she was in here, I swear!"

Daryun glanced at Gieve and asked, "And how long ago did you see her in here?"

Gieve opened his mouth to reply, but faltered. 'Oh, crap!' he thought as he stood under Daryun's piercing gaze. Then he answered the brunette, "Uh...I guess a couple hours ago...I don't really remember."

Arslan glared at Gieve, thinking, 'Urge to kill...rising!' It took all his willpower not to harm Gieve.

Daryun saw how angry Arslan looked and attempted to placate his friend. "Maybe she's in the closet, or under the bed. You know how she sometimes likes to trick us." Azrael flew from his owner and perched himself on Shireen's bed, which had a purple My Little Pony comforter on it, along with some stuffed animals and a pillow with Twilight Sparkle on the case.

Arslan calmed down just enough to hear Daryun out. "Maybe you're right. I'll check the bed. You check the closet." He turned towards Gieve, glaring again, and said through gritted teeth, "Rena better be in here, Gieve Thrussell!" Then he got down on his hands and knees, and started looking under his sister's bed. "Rena? Are you here, Sis?" When he saw there was no sign of the little girl, Arslan got out from under the bed, brushing away any dust bunnies that might have settled in his hair. 'Boy, she really needs to clean up under there. Mom would freak if she saw that.' "Daryun, any luck?" he called to his friend in the closet.

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