Chapter 1: To the Market, to the Market

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"Daaaad! I'm going shopping," I called from my room, gathering coins into my bag.

"Did you train?" He yelled from wherever he was.


"You sure?" 

"Yes!" I replied.

"Alright, you can go!" 

I pumped my fist, I was free. Now if only he'd forget about getting me an escort. I picked up my bag and made my way out, opening my sliding panel door and slowly shutting it in case the noise would somehow remind him. I quietly made my way out of the house (a hard task as everything was built of creaking wood).

"Yes!" I whispered happily. Finally I would be allowed out on my own. I took my first step of freedom.

"Oh, don't forget to take one of Gina's kids with you." My dad's voice said. I groaned and slowly turned around, seeing him standing in the doorway. He had some gray hair but if you ignored that then he looked almost like a man in his thirties. His sword handling lessons kept him healthy. I loved my dad but sometimes he could be such a pain. I slumped.

"But I'll be bothering her for no reason!" I groaned.

"Oh, no you won't darling! You're like family!" A feminine voice exclaimed from behind me. I whirled around. Gina was sweeping dirt out of her house. How did I not see her before? Her long black hair, streaked with gray looked almost blue. She always dressed nicely, this time wearing a traditional dress that originated in Pakistan. Gina was the sweetest neighbor anyone could ask for, and her oldest son, Nao, was like a older brother. I genuinely didn't want to bother them with my shopping.

"Ah, hello." I said, bowing. Gina stopped brooming and walked up to me to give me a hug. I smiled.

"Hello, dearest Mei. You know you don't have to worry about bothering us, the boys need exercise anyway!" She insisted.

"Oh, well, I guess if Nao doesn't mind..." I trailed off, not wanting to ask. I felt like a burden but couldn't run because my father was staring at me.

"Oh, sweetie, Nao is on a business trip. Katsu is here, though." she said hopefully. I slumped further. Katsu was her younger son who was about a year older than me. He was a very serious person and never said much of anything when I saw him. I'd lived next to the guy for most of my life but I swear I've only heard him say like five words in the last couple years.

"Well..." I started, did I really want to go shopping so badly that I would let an awkward shadow follow me around? Yes. I was in desperate need of an object I'd been saving up for. "I guess it's ok. If he doesn't mind, of course."

"Oh, he won't mind! He's always inside. He needs to see the sun at least once this year, right?" She joked, "Oh and would you get me some cabbage, please?"

I nodded. She smiled gratefully and bustled inside to go get Katsu, leaving me and my dad alone outside.

"So, Dad..." I ventured. Maybe I could get some extra cash to get something small for myself. I looked over. He had disappeared. Typical, I thought bitterly, he probably knew I would ask for money.

Suddenly, a young man made his way out of Gina's home and closed the door. He had shaggy black hair that seemed almost blue in the sunlight, like Gina's, and he had on a long dark kimono. When he looked at me, his dark eyes glinted as he smiled- kind of. It was like half of a half smile. I suppose it was more of a small twitch.

"Hello, Katsu." I said, smiling. The guy rarely ever saw me, it would make sense to try to leave a good impression until the next century.

"Hello," he responded. He looked around and stretched his arms. His sleeves went up which revealed his pale arms. "Shall we get going?" He asked, returning his gaze to me. I nodded and we started to walk toward the market. I could have sworn I heard a lady giggle behind me as we left, but when I turned around, I didn't see anything except Gina's open door.

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