Explanation Pt. 3

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Hurry up, Spratz! Where are the characters already?!

Patience, I say.

Well, here we are, the part pretty much everyone's been waiting for! *grins* Now that we're over the long and boring explanations, we can finally start getting into the good stuff.

These are the character assignations, and keep in mind that I have yet to make them officially canon, so they can be subject to change or tweaking.


P.S.: I'm mentioning something here that I didn't want to incorporate into Pt. 2, because I felt that it would mess up the flow of it and just confuse people. The only thing you have to know to understand it is the difference between the Traditional 52 (the cards with the four suits) and Tarot Cards. Pretty simple, right?

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When a new deity is born, their Soul is still not fully developed. As it finishes forming in the critical early few weeks of its life, there is a tell-tale signature that distinguishes that that particular deity has what it takes to become a future Hour. The factor is so small and subtle, however, that only the current Chronophobia knows who does and who does not possess the signature. Since the Null Hour cannot reveal who they are, they devised a way to single out these particular deities: by creating marks or tattoos based on the shape of their designated Hour somewhere on their body.

There have been cases where an Hour can take the role of another Hour (this can only happen if that Hour position is strictly vacant) along with their original one should they so choose, and should this happen, they would gain the Hour number they took as a second mark. These are plainly referred to as Secondary Tattoos, with the deities original tattoo being their Primary one. However, only this Primary is permanent, so should they resign from the position of their second hour, the Secondary Tattoo will disappear and the Primary shall not.

There have been cases, however, where anomalies occur and a deity is born with not one, but two Primary Tattoos. As rare as the condition is, no negative side effects have been attributed to it so far. With no official name to it either, it is not uncommon to hear it being referred to as the Gaster Syndrome. Why it has such a name, though, is a thing that no one remembers; but a thing that no one wants to change, either, for it feels wrong to even think about altering it for some unfathomable reason.

Current character assignations are as follows:

Asgore: Eleventh Hour- King; Primary Tattoo (11) is found under the left clavicle and over the heart. He rules kindly and justly over the Hours and Citizens, even going into the Inner City nigh everyday to walk and talk with the deities there.

Toriel: Twelfth Hour- Queen; Primary Tattoo (12) is found on the inner part of her right wrist. Following her unofficial renouncement of her place as the Queen after the mysterious murder of her son, Toriel took the position of the Eighth Hour and relocated from the upper levels of the Tower to the Inner City; Secondary Tattoo (8) is found on the right side at the base of her neck.

Asriel: Since he was young at the time of death, the 'prince' was not able to fully succeed in developing a full tattoo from either of his Hours, as he was born with Gaster Syndrome. He was set to be either the Third or the Sixth Hour; Primary Tattoos (3) and (6) were found as faint markings over his left and right forearms respectively.

Flowey: Thirteenth Hour- Joker (The Destroyer); Primary Tattoo (13) found scattered over any one of his six golden-white petals. Due to his revival by Time itself post Asriel's death, his physical form resembles more of an ever-shifting wisp in the shape of a buttercup flower.

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