Explanation Pt. 1

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This is a weird one, to be honest with you, so if you guys don't understand something, feel free to ask me!

Jokertale: Using Hours and the Traditional 52 deck of cards to moderate Timelines

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The Underground doesn't exist, neither does the Surface. Instead, in the grey area between Space and Time exists a place known as the Clockwork Tower, where deities that control aspects present in every Universe or Timeline reside. These deities are called Hours, with the Tower's hierarchy beginning from the "0 or Null Hour" and ending with the "12th Hour"; however, the order of power does not follow the same linear pattern.

The exception to the hierarchy rule happens when the obscure, last number is taken into account: 13. Since there is no thirteenth hour, these deities are considered to be Jokers, the wild card in the predetermined deck of Hours, for no true explanation that can explain the anomalies exists.

The jobs and aspects of the Hours all depend on their number. In accordance to their Hour's place, it's the duty of the deity to maintain the balance and moderate their aspect in every Timeline and Universe that exists. Should a "Glitch" happen and their aspect suffer from it, that deity has the option to either abandon the Universe and severe their power from it, or try to save their aspect (and consequentially fail, as is the most common ending). The job of a Joker differs from the Hours in that they have no aspect which to enforce. Rather, their main focus is to keep the flow of Time as smooth as possible everywhere, as well as Fixing the glitched universes, Restoring them if they have a chance and can be saved, or Destroying them from reality in order to save the other universes from possible "contamination."

Despite these important tasks, the identities of the deities that happen to be Jokers are strictly hidden by decree of the 0 Hour, or the All-Father of Clockwork Tower- the deity with the title of Chronophobia. All other Hours (1-12) can be known.

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I'll make sure to post what exactly are the Hours and what they do in another post, and which character has which Hour!

Jokertale [Undertale AU]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon