The beginning

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Hey people of the web I have decided to make a new story and this one is over my favorite fossil fighters game. Don't panic I'm still going to work on my Bakugan story  but I'm probably going to flip flop between the two and I also want to start a pokemon Black and white story.

Disclaimer I don't own Fossil Fighters; Champions if I did Todd and Pauleen would have gotten together and Dina and Rupert would have kissed before the ending. P.S if you catch the name Phoenix don't be larmed I named my character Phoenix so I may accidentally place Phoenix instead of Dina they are the same person.



Chapter 1: The Beginning

Dina POV:

I looked over a cliff at the vast valley below. WHite birds flew into the sky and disappeared. I spread my arms out wide and breathed in the fresh air. The serene silence was broken by the yelling of my best friend Todd.

"Hey, Dina! How long are you going to stand around and stare at the scenery, huh?" I rolled my eyes and turned around and ran to where TOdd's voice was coming from. He jumped into the air when he saw me. "Quit stalling and get over here, Dina." I met Todd at the bottom of the mountian and said,

"Geez Todd ina rush are you. Got a hot date I don't know about." We both looked at each other and laughed.

"People say wild vivosaurs live up at the top of this mountain." I looked at himm with a quizzical look. He sighed, "Come on! We just went over this! A 'vivosaur' is a dinosaur that's been revived from fossils. Man, I never thought I'd see one with my very own eyes! Now come on! We're not leaving until we get some wild vivosaurs of our very own." He turned around and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Race you to the top!" He ssprinted ahead of me before the words registered in my head.

"Cheater!" I yelled after him. I ran behind him when we reached the top of the mountain.

"...Hey! I don't see any vivosaurs anywhere! SOmebody must have been lying to me!" Suddenly the gound shook. The leaves in a bush started to rustle. We turned to where the sound had originated from. "Wh-What was that?! What's going on?!" I walked to the bush.

"I think there's something on the other side of this bush." I told him in a whisper. Suddenly I giant blue creature broke out from behind the bush.

"Th-That's an allosaurus." We started running away from it. "Run it's gonna eat us!"

"No really Todd I thought it wanted to play tag with it's teeth!" We were suddenly at the edge of a cliff. I sttod in front of Todd protectively. There was no way I was going to let my best friend get eaten. As the Aloosaurus stalked closer to us we kept backing up. I suddenly heard a shriek. Todd and I turned our heads and we saw something yellow flying towards us with a person on his back.

"Eeek! It's a pteranodon."

"Jump on! Both of you!" The man on the back of the pteranodon said. After I got over how cool it was he was riding on the back of a dinosaur I finally noticed he had a hand outstreched to us.

"Huh?" was Todd's genius answer.

"Get a move on!"

"B-but." I grabbed onto Todd's hand and ran towards the edge of the cliff. I jumped and grabbed the man's hand and he pulled behind him onto the pteranodon.

"Yee haw. Let's go partners." I turned around and saw the Allosaurus roar from where we had jumped from. "We all good back there?"

"Yeah we're okay... I think." I said. We landed at the bottom of the mountain and I finally got a good look at our saviour. He looked like any other cowboy in the world the only difference was the pickaxe on his back. I saw Todd's eyes widen in amazement. Uh oh inner fan boy will make his appearance in 3, 2, 1.

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