The first dig site

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Disclaimer I don't own Fossil Fighters; Champions  if I did Todd and Pauleen would have gotten together and Dina and Rupert would have kissed before the ending. P.S if you catch the name Phoenix don't be alarmed I named my character Phoenix so I may accidentally place Phoenix instead of Dina they are the same person.



Chapter 3: First Dig Site

When I arrived at the entrance to Treasure Lake I saw a female staff member looking annoyed and confused. "...Oh no. He's gone already." She seemed to notice my presence soon after she said that and turned around. Her eyes lit up in recognition. "Wait! You haven't received your Fossil Sonar yet, have you?"


"Well, you're never going to find any fossil rocks without it!" With that she handed the sonar to me. "I tried to stop that boy who ran ahead of you, but he moved like his pants were on fire!"

"Todd." I groaned with a sweat drop.

"Oh, he's your friend."

"Yeah, unfortunately." I muttered the unfortunately under my breath hoping she wouldn't hear me. Don't get me wrong I love Todd like a brother but sometimes I wonder how we ever became friends.

"Let's go give him his sonar together, shall we?"

"Lead the way." I told her. As we walked into the entrance of the dig site we saw Todd running around frantically.

"Stupid fossil rocks! Come on! Where are you?!" The staff member and I sweat dropped in unison.

"What do you expect them to do Todd? Jump up and say 'right here, come dig me up!'"

"You won't find anything without a Fossil Sonar." With that she handed said device as Todd turned around shocked. "... Here. This should make life easier. I tried to give it to you earlier, but you shoved past me and ran off... But that's okay. I know you're just excited about the Cup."

"Heh heh... Yeargh." Todd muttered sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. She explained how the sonar worked and introduced herself as Sally. I'll skip the long explanation and give you the short one. You're the arrow and the green blips on the screen are something you can dig up. She turned towards each of us and told us there was a fossil nearby and allowed me to go dig it up. I hit the ground with my pickaxe hard enough to unearth said fossil rock without damaging it and softly brushed off the rest of it with a brush I had borrowed from my brother. I held it carefully in my hand in awe. My first fossil rock I couldn't believe it! I placed it as gently as I could in my bag before returning back to Todd's side. When I returned Sally wished us luck and walked back to wherever she was meant to go next.

"More family members." Shadow said.

"I can't wait!" Hercules boomed excitedly.

"Yeees! With this sonar I can dig and dig and never run out of fossils! Look out, planet! I'm gonna scoop up every last treasure you got!" And like a gunshot he was off. I spent of few hours looking for my own fossils before heading to the Fossil Stadium to get them cleaned. It took me a little longer then I had expected because a lot of fighters wanted the same rock as me and we battled over it, but they were handled easily by Shadow and Hercules seeing as how they all only had one vivosaur.

"Walking into the cleaning room I noticed Stella standing next to a floating robot. "Oh, hello, Dina." She said when she noticed me walking through the door. "What perfect timing you have. We just finished readying everyone's favorite fossil- cleaning partner. Say hello to KL-33N."


"Pleased to meet you-Beep. I am KL-33N, at your service-Boop." He spun around. "Please speak to me if you wish to clean your fossil rocks-Beep! You may trust me with the storage and reviving of even your most precious fossils. I am not yet capable of cleaning my own, but if I observe you doing so, I gain the ability as well. Once I absorb enough of your knowledge I will be able to clean fossil rocks on my own-Zzzt! I am looking forward to working with you- Bwang."

"Glad to be able to help." I said smiling.

"This little guy will be a great help on your adventure. The more you clean, the more he'll learn from you. And believe me, he can learn a LOT." She snapped her fingers like she had just remembered something. "Oh, and at that counter, you can exchange Donation Points, DP for short, for all kinds of rewards." She explained ,as she pointed to a brown haired woman sitting behind a podium, that donation points were for if a fossil was cleaned that I already had cleaned once before, with a lower cleaning score, I could donate said rock for points. I then could purchase other items with these points if I had enough. She also told me that I could reorganize my team using the VMM, Vivosaur Management Machine. The VMM stores my unused dino medals for me until I want to use them in battle. It also has a built in warp center that will take me from dig sites straight to the main compound. That would come in handy I could already tell less walking I would have to do. When Stella left I started to clean my rocks. I was able to get 2 emeralds and even the body for Shadow.

"How do you feel?" I asked her.

"More... put together." With selling my extra fossils and my emeralds I had enough money to upgrade my sonar screen. Now I had more room to see where my fossils were. As I stepped out of the shop I noticed that the sky had grown dark so I headed to the stadium where rooms had been provided. As I headed to bed I noticed that my older brother had tried to contact me on my phone that I had left in my room before I went to the dig site. I called him back and we decided to video chat over the computer. On the screen appeared a blue haired male in his early to mid-20. He was tanned skin and had vibrant green eyes. His signature hat was not on however although I guess hat was the wrong word. He had cut out the top of a safari hat so his spiky blue hair stuck out of the hat.

"Hey short stack."

"You know just because I'm shorter then you it doesn't mean you have to keep bringing it up!" I told him annoyed. "But hi Hunt."

"But it's so much fun to tease you!" He grinned before noticing m yawn. "However seeing as how you're so tired I shall keep this short. Congrats on making it through the first full day at the tournament I hope to see you make it all the way to the finals. Love you little sis."

"Love you to big bro. Tell Rosie I said hi will you?"

"Will do. Get some sleep."

"K." I said through a big yawn and shut off my computer. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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