Chapter 1 Time to help!

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I sat at my desk tapping my pen aginst my clipboard. I finshed my research hours ago and is currently waiting for my next assiment but since everyone else was busy no one was able to give me a new assiment. The phone rang and i jumped up to get it but Clark got it before i could
"Sick bay Clark Handerson speaking" I sighed as I sat back down and i heard a quiet chuckle from in front of me. I looked up to see Jack looking at me with amused expression "Finished already Vivian?" I nodded. He chuckled again "you look like a child still in school" I scoffed "I wish I was in school at least they would give me more work." he shook his head then went back to the papers in front of him. As he did so i head the phone being placed on the reciver and Clark looking around. His eyes landed on me the smiled "Vivian!" i looked at him and raised an eyebrow "yes?" "Boss needs medical attention and your the only one free so please see to it he is taken care of." I smiled excitedly "Yes sir!" I quickly stood up and gathered all the materials need to help any wound and put them in a bag. As i left the office I bid everyone farwell before shutting the door.

I carefully got off the chopper careful not hurt myself anymore. "Boss these look bad" Ocelot walked up to me DD right behind him. "Ive had worse" I bent down to pet DD but stopped half way as felt the bullet wound on my thigh burn causing me to flinch. "Boss you head to your quarders I'll send a doctor to look at your wounds." Finally standing up i nodded and headed for my quarters. It took me a while but i finally manged to make it. I opened my door and began taking off all my guns and ammo putting then at the foot of the bed. I took off my cloths leaving me in just my boxers so the doctor could get a better look at all my wounds. Finally able to some what relax I carefully sat down and heard a knock at my door "come in" i called letting out a sigh after words. Lets hope this goes by quick so I can get some rest.

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