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A brand new term and I was looking forward to another in flux of gorgeous girls who came to this university with big ambitions but found them failing thanks to the intervention of alcohol and I knew it would be the same old story.

For me it meant that I could use my charms to lure these students into bed with the promise of better grades and the opportunity of an amazing sexual experience, what they didn't know is that I am a Vampire and I use the power to take the life essence from them in order to prolong my life.

It had been exactly one hundred years since I was borne into this body and I had consumed the life forces of so many girls and it helped that they didn't have any families to go back to or be worried about them and so detection was nil and naturally I had got away with it.

I had been at this university for 25 years and looked almost the same as the first day I walked through the door, no one knew my secret but I had also kept some of the girls alive and they served as my servants, teachers too had been recruited to my cause and I had a lot of control and influence here.


I took a walk down to the bursary and saw the secretary

"Hi Georgia"


"Have you got the list of the 'recruits' for this semester"

She went to a filing cabinet and opened it, I admired her ass from my vantage point and had often thought about taking her from behind and over the cabinets, the only problem is that I find it difficult to mingle with bisexual girls, it seemed to be the mixture of blood within their systems which was difficult to digest.

She withdrew a slim folder and walked across to me..

"Typical list of kids Im afraid"

I scanned the list and had a special power to be able to 'look' into the mind of a person without actually being in the room with them and their was scarcely a morsel to be found, I was ready to pass the list back when I felt something different and then I saw the name...

'Alexia English'

I felt an aura surround the name and I began to smile, maybe just maybe this year had the potential to surprise me....I would have to make it my business to get to know this girl and very soon.

As a senior lecturer to the University I would be overseeing the work schedules and acting as a teaching assistant for the ones who were new to this set up, this allowed me to examine how quickly these teachers responded to pressure situations and it also allowed me to admire the long legs within short skirts and the breasts that were bulging from 'oh so tight' shirts.

I returned to my lecture theatre and prepared the slides for the first class tomorrow, I was feeling hungry and food would provide temporary sustenance until I could get a supply of the globulins I had grown to love, fortunately I had a few girls that were converted with limited emotion so I could call them up and have good sex with them before taking their rich red blood and feeding off of them.

Tomorrow was another day and I would get a chance to meet Alexia English.

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