Mount Ebott

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   As you walk you see a tall mountain. "Ah, mount Ebott..." A boy around 15 comes up to you and says "Yea, mount Ebott it really steep, It WOULD be a fun mountain to climb."  You retorted puzzled "well, why don't you climb it?" The boy looks at you as if you were stupid " haven't you herd, every human who dares to Climb that mountain, never returns..."
As you herd him say this you turn your self towards the huge hill, you start walk towards the mountain. "YOUR DEATH BED BUDDY!" Before you know it your running. 'Never return, this is the best moment of my life' you thought to your self. You got to the start of the mountain and saw a trail, and signs all around the start saying "STOP" and "RUN" ect. But you walk the trail instead. 
____TIME SKIP IM LAZY________
You reach the top after being chased by birds, and being clawed at by a bear, 'why the fuck would a bear be on a mountain?' You said to yourself. 'Like aren't the in the woods!' As you thought to your self you kept walking as you felt your foot catch something.   "BWAAAAAAAAAAA!"

_____##############________Haiiiiiuu this is the writer, so this wasn't as long sorreh..... I have no excuse I'm just lazy..

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