Flowey the flower(。ŏ_ŏ)

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You fall and fall and fall.....and fall. But when you embrace your self for I'm pact, instead of hitting hard rocks, you hit.... flowers? You look up and see a flower looking down upon you as you lay on the soft bed of flowers.
~~~~~~~START SONG NOW~~~~~
Your eyes widen as the flower says "Howdy, I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower!" You sit on the pile of flowers in awe as the large flower speaks to you. "Hmmm" "Your new to the underground aren't chya!" 'Flowey' says to you "Golley, you must be so confused." You nod your head in agreement "Some one ought to teach you how things work around here!" You look at him questionably "I guess little old me will have to do." "Ready? here we go!" You go to say something but before you can out of nowhere a little red heart appears in front of you. "See that heart? That is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being!" Your so very confused " Your SOUL starts off very weak, but it can grow strong with lots of lv!" 'Level? Wait am I in a video game?' You question your self "what does lv stand for? Why love of course!" 'Of course..' "You want some love, don't you?Don't worry I'll share some with you!" You see little white pellets floating, you are weary of them. "Down here love is shared through...... Little white.... Friendliness pellets!" You look at the talking flower confused and glance at the pellets 'Mabey if I don't get them...?' You think to yourself. "are You ready?" Before you could say anything the pellets begin to fly towards you, you dodge all of them pretty well, 'don't get cocky y/N' you think to yourself self. "You missed them buddy, here try again." Flowey sent even more and faster and directly towards you. You dodge them all.
______TIME SKIP IM LAZY______
before you know it the flowers pellets are surrounding you and closing in, you brace yourself self, but before you get hit a large ball of fire hits Flowey and he's gone. You hear a voice... A soft motherly voice...... "Child?"
I'm getting closer to the LEmonz I just wanted to go through this tori will be short btw. And I got ALL of Floweys intro soh YEASH

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