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After the mission to the waves naruto had been bored with the d rank missions he was receiving. He was waiting at trading ground 44 for anko she was late which never happened. Then she appeared in a puff of smoke

"Why are you late," naruto said.

"Listen I was signing you up for the chunin exams," anko said.

"I see then I should probly prepare," naruto said. "Then I will spend this time trying to make a summoning contract." Then he disepered to who know where. When he got there he landed and looked at the summoning contract that had everything but the name. He be gain to push chakara into it for the next three days, when he was finished the outside of the scroll now read, sloth. Naruto almost passed out, after all this time he got a sloth contract.

"Well I guess this is all I get I don't have the supplies or time to make another," naruto said. "Here we go." Then he wrote his name in blood on the scroll.

"Summoning jutsu," he yelled going threw several hand signs then slaming his hand on the ground making sure not to use to much chakara. Then in a poof a small sloth appeared. That quickly jumped up and latched onto his arm.

"Hey bub you got anything to eat," the sloth said.

"Uuuu what do sloths eat?" naruto asked

"Well I eat leaves, some eat bugs like my cousin but the big guys, they eat a lot of fruit," the sloth said.

"Well there's a forest in my base, by the way wants your name?" Naruto asked.

"My names botan the stradige sloth, and my clan uses shadow control jutsu," botan said.

"Like the Nara's?" Naruto asked.

"Yes they were once our summons, but that was hundreds of years ago, so those trees," botan said. "And bub don't summon the big guy between 6 at night and 10 in the mourning."

"Why?" Naruto asked midly sacred. But began towards his indoor forest

"He sleeps then and hell tear you to shreds," botan said.

"What about the other guys," naruto asked.

"Bub I don't know you'll have to work that out by yourself," botan said. "Ohh look were here." He said jumping off his arm into the nearest tree.

"Ok I better find a bigger sloth just in case," naruto said then preformed the summoning jutsu with more chakara. With a poof a sloth the same size of naruto appeared, he was white with a black spot on his chest on his back was a battle Axe.

"Heeey where am I?" The sloth said throwing a avocado in his mouth.

"Um hi I'm naruto your new summoner," naruto said.

"Well if your going to summon me I need food," the sloth said.

"Well there's a fruit patch over here if you want to follow me," naruto said.

"Suuure," the sloth said standing up.

"Botan would you like to join us?" naruto asked

"Sure if chiyos in am in," botan said jumping on the sooth known as chiyo.

"Heey buddy, ok naruto-sempi let's go," chiyo said. Naruto began walking toward the fruit trees.

"So I'm senpi?" Naruto asked.

"Yaaa, you seem cool," he said. They had just reached the fruit trees, botan jumped on a low branch to eat leaves, and chiyo began eating fruit.

"So chiyo when can I summon you?" Naruto said. Chiyo picked up a 8 shoes fruit that was yellow. His eyes lit up when he ate it.

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