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When oruchimaru landed on the ground the battle began. A genjutsu fell over the stadium. Sans shinobi were left confused, and sound were attacking.

"He killed your leader, fight the sound," naruro said. Then hurled another spear at oruchimaru. He quickly dodged then sent shadow snakes at naruto which were destroyed by a blade of white fire. Orchimaru sent several snakes his way then the fire phenoix. Then he summenoned Manda the snake boss.

"Why have you sssummoned me," he said.

"Kill him," orchimaru said.

"Go now I do not want to kill you," naruto said. Then the penoix landed on his shoulders and be gain to bound with him. When it was done naruto stood twenty feet tall. He was made of black flames, with white jets coming off, and he had two giant white wings, and a long white staff. Manda disapaered leaving orchimaru by his self.

"Edo tenson." Orchimaru said. Then three coffins grew from the ground.

~with shickamaru~

Shikamaru had three sound shinobi in his jutsu and threw kunia to kill them when it was intercepted, he was now faced with four enimes.

"Summoning jutsu," he yelled pouring half of his reserves into the jutsu. Then in a poof a sloth the size of him appered.

"Are you naruto-senpis friend," he asked.

"Yes," shikamaru replied.

"Good I'm chiyo, tell naruto to give me the fruit," chiyo said then blocked several kunia with his Axe. Shikamaru used his shadow jutsu to crap the ninja while chiyo cut them down.

"Summon, botan," chiyo said.

"How? This is troublesome," shikamaru said.

"Think of the name botan and let your chakara flow out," he said killing more ninja. He did as the sloth said then in a puff of smoke a smaller sloth appeared and jumped onto shikamaru's head. Then they worked there shadows together, within minutes all of the sound shinobi were killed, and the sand were helping the leaf.

"Let's go find naruto," botan said.

~with naruto~

The hokage landed onto narutos shoulder. And sent several kunia stopping the third coffin from rising, but by then other two had risin, out steped the first and second hokage.

"Summoning jutsu," sabutori said. And in a puff of smoke enma appeared.

"Sabutori what have you gotten yourself into," enma asked.

"You two take care of the kages I will take out orchimaru." Then naruto swept his sword out of the way burning orchimaru. He opened up his mouth and another crawled out. Then shikamaru and his sloths landed.

"Hey naruto where is my fruit," chiyo said.

"Help us hill these guys and I'll give you a whole tree," naruto said.


Shikamaru dropes down in front of the first hokage and botan on the other side, while chiyo stood of to the side ready to attack. The hokage jumped inbetwen the two shadows and chiyos Axe. After ten minutes of this the hokage used a fire jutsu which would have killed shikamaru if he was not protected my naruto. Then next to him a giant sloth the size of naruto appeared.

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