Chapter 7

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"I know I know, it's peace park the first part is peace park,"Sally screamed
"Excellent job sally,Hm..... So pec par was peace park I wonder what is tod???"max wondered
"Maybe it's kind of a prank someone is trying to trick us more," jack said while swallowing a lot
They both looked at jack without saying a word this weird look on their face showed that they were worried about what jack is saying maybe someone tried to prank them by changing his voice and saying weird words it was a confusing decision to take."
No,it's not a prank I know it's not"Sally said angrily,"let's continue " she added.
They began taking the weird word,which is (tod),and putting every letter and seeing if it fits so first they started with an a so they began (todaa,todab...until they reached the letter y which formed the word today.
"Finally,we have no time lets go to peace park now,"max said quickly
"No,wait Max we need to continue sorting the words maybe we'll gain a new clue,"Sally explained.
"Well I'm sure that (a ni o cl) at nine o'clock so we know now when should we go so let's figure out the rest,"Max said
"And the others are easy(il b the) I'll be there"Sally explained
"But wait,what is Ja," they both said at the same time
"don't worry it's still 12 o clock"said Max
(They began thinking......)

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