2 years later

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Dear diary,
The last two years have been great Mom and me have gotten closer, Elena and uncle Damon are a couple, Caroline and dad are a thing and almost forgot I have a boyfriend Tyler freakin Lockwood as I call him wolf boy. I found out I'm only half vampire the other part of me is wolf so I'm a hybrid wow. I have to go I'm meeting up with Tyler for lunch.
Xoxo Erica
As i looked at the time I had to go so I went to my dads room to tell him I was leaving. "Hey dad-" I couldn't get my whole sentence out because I looked in only to see mom and dad kissing I gasped and slammed the door running down the stairs to the living room the only thoughts going threw my head were but he's with Caroline. Caroline oh god Caroline I thought I started pacing when my uncle came into the room " hey princess E what's going on" I could feel my half beating heart pounding. My dad I mean Stefan flew down the stairs with Katherine right behind him. "Erica I'm sorry you had to see that happen I truly am " my dad stated " THAT SHOULd HAVE NEVER HAPPENED!! Your with Caroline for gods sake does she not matter to you she is my best friend and you cheat on her seriously I'm going to tell her " I said running out the door my dad went crazy he grabbed my arm and turned me back and everything went black

Katherine's pov
He seriously did not just snap are daughters neck. I ran over to Erica who was uncounciouse in stefans arms I grabbed her and handed her to Damon who lauded her on the couch I grabbed Stefan and threw him across the car " what the hell were you thinking Stefan " I said he just started at me I went back inside pulled Erica up into my arms and vamp speed to her room laid her down and went back downstairs.

Ericas pov
I could hear my parents yells " Stefan she is your daughter for gods sake and you snap her neck she is still a child" I heard Katherine scream " well I'm going to check on her " Stefan said my body stiffened I thought if I pretend to be asleep he would leave I heArd the doorknob rearm and my dad come in
"I know your awake princess E " my dad stated I sat up with my arms wrapped around my knees i didn't look at my dad he walked over and tossed me a blood bag I looked at it and threw it at the door Stefan caught it before it hit. He sighed and looked at me "you need to eat " he stated I just shook my head he looked at me a second and then said " you have to eat or I will force feed you " I shook my head again he bit into his wrist and came over to me he was getting his wrist close to my mouth so I broke it. He yelped in pain but was back to normal a Minute or to later he left the room and I layed back down I feel asleep
3 days later
Stefans pov
It's been 3 days since I snapped my little girls neck we keep trying to get her to eat but she won't she is pale and weak if this last 1 more day I'm force feeding her
One day later
Ok that's it I'm done she needs to eat I storm into Ericas room and bite into my wrist I vamp speed over to her bed and shove my wrist in her mouth her eyes shot open she tried to rip my wrist of of her mouth but was to weak I could feel she wasn't taking any so I with my other hand I tickled her so she would swallow she did but then with her hand she grabbed a pencil and shoved it into my arm I screamed in pain a second later I was better I say down on her bed I saw tears form in her eyes my heart broke " baby girl don't cry" she looked at me like I was a monster " you snapped my neck for gods sake what the hell is wrong with you it wasn't enough that you cheated on my best friend you had to snap you on freakin daughters neck " she screamed I gave her  a blood bag but she threw it at the door and it burst she walked out of the room and changed and walked downstairs when I came down I saw Caroline with tears in her eyes and then the next few minutes were a blur Erica just started sobbing out of no were and then a witch told me that my daughter was pregnant with Tyler's child " she's a hybrid but she was born a wolf Mother Nature found a loop whole" I screamed to kill the baby and that when it all happened Erica had me against a wall telling me if I touched her baby she would kill me I looked at her with shock. Caroline had tears of anger on her face I walked over and hugged her she just sobbed after Caroline calmed down she feel asleep I put her on the coach I grabbed Ericas arm and vamp sped of  she looked at me and let out every curse in the book to me " I love my baby I'm keeping it" I sighed " sweetheart this child is going to take energy out of you and could even hurt you I can't let you Keep it" I could see her getting angry " it's my baby ill do whatever the hell I want " I looked her straight in the eye"ok" she stayed there unmoving for a few minutes and then yawned she looked tired so I vamp speed home and put her to bed.

Stefans daughter Where stories live. Discover now