The new female of Hobbiton - A new life in the shire.

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The moment I first met Bilbo, was when I first moved into the shire. I was beginning a new life far from my own to live differently. The Hobbits happily welcomed me and insisted on me on moving, since I  was a long lost hobbit that was born in the wrong place, and they told me that I should belong in the shire. I had sent them a letter to inform them about this and they eagerly accepted.

But this forest I was born in was never known by the hobbits, since they never insisted on leaving the shire. No one did.

But how was I born there, in case if you were wondering,I do not know why. Perhaps I was left here, or my parents were on a pilgrimage and left me here. Maybe an orc stole me away, away from the shire far from everyone else? I never knew exactly why, but ever since I was a young hobbit I grew up by myself, and I traveled across middle earth exploring the wonders and realms. I have been going on adventures ever since I was at a young age.

I have encountered dangers of my own, but I always had a strategy. When I encountered trolls I had pails of paint. I painted the trees, creating a mysterious illusion, which made them dazed and confused. And then eventually they left, after staring at my paintings on the tree for a long while. And then once they went away I continued on with my journey.

And then I stopped at a grassy plain, that was far from everyone and everything. There was nothing in sight, but the green grass below me. And then that was where I had built my hobbit hole.

And then one day, I decided to move. I packed my bags, to go on another adventure, until  a fellow wizard came by my way, by the name Gandalf. and asked me why I wasn't living in the shire.

I looked at him dumbfounded.

"Shire?" I  asked him. I never really knew what it meant, but it did sound nice. So he told me everything, including bag-end and the hobbits. I felt delighted, And so I did move there. He lent me some items, and a wagon and a pony! He was a kind man indeed. He told me that he would come along with me if he could, but he was off doing other things that I would be better off to not know about.So I thanked him , and went on my way towards the shire, to start a new life in hobbiton!

Later, once I had arrived into the shire, and walked further into hobbiton, I was pulling on a wagon, right along the trail that was right in front of Bag-End. My pony was pulling my small wagon, as I was walking right in front of the hobbit hole. Bilbo was sitting right on the bench, smoking pipeweed, blowing smoke rings and such until he saw me.

His eyes widened at the sight of me, and he completely stopped with what he was doing.

"Oh why, well hello." I waved at the kind looking hobbit. He seemed rather nice, so I thought that I would stop and chat with another hobbit besides myself.

"Oh, Hello." He said with a simple nod, and arched an eyebrow.

"How are you doing on this fine evening?" I asked him, with a friendly smile. I tilted my cap upwards out of my eyes, so I could look at him. My hat was always droopy, so I needed to constantly tilt in upwards if I needed to make any sort of eye contact with anyone while I was talking to them.

" I am doing quite well... How about You?" He asked politely, but I could tell by his face that he felt awkward from my sudden acquaintance.

"Yes. I am doing well, thank you." I nodded happily at the kind hobbit, as I stood there gawked there for a moment. We both stared at each other for a long while, until I decided that I should continue down the path, off to go find my empty space of land within Hobbiton.

 "Well, I better head off to go build my hobbit hole. I wish you that all is well, and goodbye!" I waved at him and continued to walk down the trail, as Bilbo continued to sit there, dazed in wonder from my presence.

'Who is she?' He wondered.

I have never seen her before.

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