A Sudden Conclusion

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                Later that evening, the sun went down beneath the hills which meant that the day was coming to an end. The dark sky began to slowly appear, as the warm colored sky drifted off behind the hills of the shire. Bilbo and I continued to work on the hobbit hole, until Bilbo looked out of the newly placed window that we have just placed within the small gap inside the dirt clotted wall.
"I think that it is time to pack up,” Said Bilbo once he looked away from his gaze from the night sky.
"It is getting rather dark. And I wouldn't want to miss second breakfast because of sleeping in. Would you like to stay over at bag-end until then?" He asked with a polite smile. "I do not mind at all really. It is quite enjoyable to have somebody stay here at Bag-End, since I haven't had anyone stay there beside the Dwarves." Bilbo eagerly asked me, which clearly meant that he found my company in bag end quite enjoyable. I happily accept his kind offer once again. And then Bilbo packed up his tools and objects, then we picked up and walked onto the short curved path that led towards bag end.

The rays of light strayed down from the window and into the room, as I awoke. My eyes squinted from the bright light from the sun, because of my eyes; they are highly sensitive to the light since I have big brown eyes. For some odd reason just because my eyes are bigger than most hobbits, I can hardly ever look without squinting under any sort of bright light. Which  also makes my eyesight is very keen, unlike some eyes among the shire. But I felt happy since the sun was out along with clear blue sky, with the green grassy hills that stood right beneath.

I then got up and quickly slipped on my white blouse that was embroidered with light pink flowers across the sleeves,  along with my light brown woolen hat that I put on upon my head  that I always happened to have wear nearly every day since the past few days I have been among the shire. I have bought these items from a tradesman as I traveled throughout middle earth, and this was the only outfit that I have ever had since I was  seventeen years old. (And seventeen years in hobbit years is very young, I should inform you.) And then I walked out of the guest room, and into the hallway. I quietly walked down the hallway that led to the kitchen as Bilbo instructed me. So I walked, until suddenly I heard voices coming from the kitchen.
"How are you doing today, Bilbo? fine as I would assume?" The voice said. 'I have heard that voice before...' I thought. ' Oh- perhaps it is Gandalf! Oh yes it is- I can tell very much indeed.' I thought as I was going to walk into the kitchen and say hello, but then I had stopped once I heard the sound of my name.
"How is Puchiyo?”  Gandalf asked Bilbo as he drank from his cup, and took a bite out of Bilbo's bread that he had given him.
"Oh she is doing quite well. We have almost finished with her home last night, but then it got too dark so we didn't get to finish in time. We still have a few finishing touches, but we will possibly get it finished by later today in the evening, or sooner." Bilbo answered as he drank from his cup, along with Gandalf. But then there was a slight pause in conversation as Gandalf looked up at Bilbo from beneath his bushy eyebrows.
"Your pupils dilate whenever you speak of her." Gandalf said. Once Bilbo heard Gandalf’s words, he looked at him oddly with no knowledge of what he had said.
"My  what?" Exclaimed Bilbo, as a sudden flush of warmth rose up from within his cheeks.
"Your pupils dilate whenever you speak of her, as I have noticed. This may mean that you have some feelings towards her, such as warmth and consideration.  Gandalf informed him. "And I can tell, because you are currently fiddling with your teacup in anxiety."
Bilbo chuckled nervously once he had stopped fiddling with his tea cup, and sat it down gently in the middle of the table. 
"Oh now Gandalf, let’s not get ahead of ourselves." Bilbo continued to chuckle nervously as he stood up from the table and took both of their plates from the table, and settled them on top of the counter. 
"Well, it is true! And you deny it because you feel too nervous to speak of it.” He informed.
They both sat there quietly, as Gandalf was thinking of what to say. Until suddenly a sudden conclusion came to mind.
"Speaking of Puchiyo," He began, "I have came to a sudden conclusion on why she was born out of the shire." 
Once I heard this, I stopped with everything that I was doing. I listened closely and carefully, since I have always wanted to know why I was born outside the shire. I had always wanted to know why, ever since I was a young hobbit. My wits were high and the points of my ears perked up as I listened to Gandalf with no distractions.
"What is it?" Asked Bilbo, who was eager to know more about me, and why I was born outside of the shire. He was curious about me, which made him listen quietly and carefully to Gandalfs words just as I did.
"Since she was born outside the realms of the shire, and was born in an unlikely forest, then this could mean that she was born from the higher powers among middle earth. Born by the ones who created the elements of nature among the realms of middle earth. She could have been made by force, or she was a wandering spirit who grew into her form magically. It seems unlikely, but it is possible." Gandalf  explained, as Bilbo sat there, nearly doubting Gandalfs well thought out conclusion.
"Or she may have been abandoned from her mother." Bilbo added as Gandalf sat there, accepting the fact.
"Why yes I suppose." Gandalf nodded. " There is still no telling for certain. But I have also realized that Puchiyo has much more smaller feet than most hobbits I would imagine. I noticed that while I happened to walk past her hole among the valley. I saw her as she was building around her hobbit hole. She was fixing it up bit by bit even though it looked as if she just dug a hole and chopped down hoards of wood from the trees and stuck it along the sides of the dirt clotted wall. And then once I walked over to say hello, even though it is rather unusual to see a hobbit outside the mountains of the shire. This made me eager to know more about her, because of the thought. And as we both chatted along, I noticed her feet. They were quite small, much smaller than most hobbits. It looked as if her feet were down a size, which is rare for most hobbits." Gandalf explained as Bilbo nodded and noticed that I did have small feet than some.
" Why yes. You are right! And she has more of a olive tint to her skin. Perhaps she is a harfoot." Bilbo added, along with Gandalf.
"She could even be a new kind of hobbit. A kind that has a very keen eyesight, which also may mean that she could be a visual learner. And perhaps she may even be good at drawing, or making up illusions." Said Gandalf.
"Why yes! She drew me a few days ago. She is actually rather good, from what I have seen." Bilbo remarked with a sudden burst of realization. Now the conclusion was opening up to more facts, and to more meanings of myself.
"Well then. Perhaps I may be right." Said Gandalf.
"And I should be leaving soon. Tell Puchiyo that I said hello and-
"Wait!" I exclaimed as I ran into the kitchen, interrupting the conversation.
"Oh! Well hello there Puchiyo. How are you doing this morning? Fine, as I would assume. Or perhaps you feel awakened and exposed to a new start-
"Yes- I am fine, but never mind that, if I may." I said, politely springing into action. 
"Now Gandalf, from what you just said earlier, is that true?" I asked, as my ears perked up wider, and I was ready to listen more further into his conclusion. Gandalf looked at me, acknowledging the fact of my wondering. Bilbo looked at me for a moment, and then glanced back over to Gandalf right as he was going to explain his reasoning.
"Well, it may be true or it may not. But you would have to tell me... What do you think?" Gandalf asked me as I stood there, dazed with the meaning of his words. I  looked at him as I thought it through, looking at the facts of myself and at my mind from within me.
'What on earth did he mean?' I thought as I continued to stand there, thinking of what to say- until Gandalf had another thought in mind.
"Perhaps you may feel nothing right now, but if you ever happen to walk among the grounds within the forest where you were born, then you may find the answer hidden from within yourself. The answer may or may not be hidden, unless if you choose to discover the truth. Whichever you choose, you should decide on which path to take. Follow your heart and your inner self. What does it tell you?" Gandalf nodded briefly at his final words, and then he walked out towards the round green door, and held the brass handle in the middle of the door.
"Well, I must go now. I have plans I must attend to. I wish you that all is well and goodbye." As Gandalf said his last words, he opened the round green door and left with nothing but us feeling the odds and wonders of his conclusion that continued to stir up from within our minds.
"Well then." Said Bilbo as he stood up from his seat, and clasped his hands together with a bright smile from the corners of his lips.
"We will eat here for a moment, and then we will pack up the tools and leave to finish your home." Said Bilbo as he walked over to the counter, and continued to make breakfast. I felt bad, and It felt as if I was being fed as a freeloader, so then I asked if I could help him to prepare breakfast. He happily accepted, and so I helped him as the morning drew on towards the middle of the day.

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