The Beginning of a new life

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The grass was green, the sky was endless, and  there were bundles of food! The hobbits loved food. There were barrels filled with mash, and hobbits worked around the shire, getting food prepared and ready for dinner. The hobbits lived a happy life, but mainly for food. I agreed entirely on this, because I love food and I am a hobbit.
Once I walked past Bag-End, I finally reached a wide open space of land with a hill right in the middle. And there stood a sign that stood in front of the hill and read,
"Land Reserved For Puchiyo."
And there was a little gift basket that hanged on the sign, that filled with crumpets and tea leaves!
I was delighted. The hobbits are so kind. How on earth did I not know about the shire before?
I smiled happily and then began to work on my hobbit hole. I dug inside a hill, and worked my way inside. It was a small hobbit hole, since it was the only hole I could afford, but it was indeed homely. I dug and dug, and built and built. The door was open, since I was currently fixing the screws and the latch, but then I thought that I'd finish it later.Until suddenly there was a hobbit at my door.
"You should work on the door soon." Said the voice. I turned around, and noticed that It was the hobbit that lived at Bag-End!
"Oh why hello." I stepped down from my stool, and walked over to him.
"What brings you here if I may ask?"
"Curiosity." Said he.
"Why are you here, and why?" He asked suddenly, and I gawked at him for a moment until finally an explanation came to mind.
"Because, ... I... Oh, its a long story." I brushed it off, but then he still looked at me eager to know more.
"Please tell me? I must be informed." He insisted. So then I gave in. I told him everything about me, from the day I was born til the day that Gandalf came along and told me about the shire. The hobbit became more infatuated and we sat outside, leaning against my unfinished hobbit hole, talking about my endless adventures, and my life in middle earth. He went by the name Bilbo Baggins, the baggins of bag-end.
"I cannot believe that I had never run into you," Said he. "I was on an adventure once with Gandalf! It was not even a month ago that we have went." He looked at me quite flustered.
"I know. Either can I!" I said.
"I just don't know why.. But why was I the only hobbit that was born out of the shire?" I asked him, with my eyes lost in wonder. He looked at me with a sad look.
"I don't know why. But maybe your parents left the shire, and off to go find a new home. Which is highly unlikely..." He replied.
"But it is a mystery.
I looked at him blankly for a moment, because I continued to think about the possibilities. But then Bilbo said that it was getting late, and he should head on home. And then he offered if I wanted to stay with him at Bag-End, until my hobbit hole was finished. So I happily accepted, and then he let me stay there for the night, in a room where the dwarves one stayed in. It was clean, and tidy, he had laid out new sheets and blankets.
And then I went to sleep, and woke up the next morning.

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