Ice Cream & Pizza

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In the weeks that came, things were going well for our growing little family. Connor and I went to my first doctors appointment, and they confermed I was about two months. I cried, when it was finnaly confirmed by the doctor I was pregnant. Connor grinned ear to ear all day, after that. I was glad he was this happy about our baby.
It had been a other two months now, with nothing from Murphy. Which hurt, but with all the new things going on with me, and the suport of Connor there was no time to think about it. I was four months and it was all so wonderful, and of course to my amazement I looked huge. I cried, but when the doctor confirmed at the last visit a second heartbeat. I cried again, but for a whole different reason. Connor held me close and kissed me.
This afternoon we were currently sitting on the couch. I was wearing shorts and a tank top. Being pregnant I was warmer then usual and clothes of any kind were uncomfortable to me. Connor held me close as usual, as I rested on his chest. We were watching one of his Charlie Bronson movies, and I was quickly becoming sleepy and also hungry.
"Connor," I whispired as I nudged him with my head. He smiled over at me and kissed my lips.
"Aye las," he said, I smiled at him.
"When this takes a commercial will you get me some ice cream?" I asked sweetly. Ice cream was my new favorite food, and Connor had taken to waiting on me hand and foot. Which suprisingly didn't bother me as much anymore, as it had in the beginning. He smiled and nodded as he kissed me again and went back to watching the movie. I snuggled close to him again, untill the commercial, then as promised he got up and went to the kitchen. I fallowed him. Completely capable of getting it myself, but Connor wanted to so I let him.
I also felt strangely more attached to him then normal. I hated him being out of my sight for any length of time. Going to work killed me and I cried a lot while I was there, calling him on my breaks just to hear his voice. When I told Connor about this and he just pulled me close to him and didn't say much, except he promised to be as close to me as possible whenever possible.
"Vanilla or strawberry?" Connor asked as he pulled out the ice cream and me out of my thoughts. I placed a hand to my stomach and looked at the ceiling, thinking.
"Baby, Murphy says strawberry, but baby Connor says vanilla," I joked. I had been jokingly calling them that when I found out they was two. Connor smiled.
"I t'ink baby Connor has t'e right idea," he chuckled as he scooped some from each and handed me the bowl. I kissed him in thanks and waited for him to go back to the living room with me. We sat back on the couch and we shared the ice cream.
When I was done I set it on the coffee table and laid against Connor pulling up my already to tight tank top. My stomch stuck out like I had swallowed a small beach ball and Connor placed a hand on it.
"When ya t'ink we feel 'em?" He asked. He had been more excited to feel the babies kick then I think I was. I giggled.
"Soon, I'm pretty sure Julia said she started feeling her baby at five months," I smiled, my sister was now six months pregnant and so she could tell me what was going to happen, mostly. I looked up at Connor who leaned in to kiss me.
"Aye, not soon enough," he pouted after our kiss. I giggled again.
"Well being MacMamus twins," I pointed out, " They probably be fighting sooner then that and we will feel them fighting sooner," I laughed. Connor broke out in a big smile.
"Aye, las, t'at is true," he agreed. I looked up at him and smiled. A couple hours later the movie had finished and I sat up and stretched.
"What do you want for dinner?" I asked feeling hungry again. I was convinced that if these babies ate like their father's, I would gain a million pounds. Connor had only chucled when I told him this. He told me I was carring Irishman, and they needed their food to grow big and strong.
He smiled up at me as I moved in to startle his lap and kiss him. Our love life never faded no matter how pregnant I got. His hands on my hips and I moved my hips in to him. I heard him let out a moan as I did it and I smiled. We parted and he looked up at me. I held his gaze and we just looked at each other for a long time.
"Ya wanted dinner or desert?" He chucled as I smiled down at him.
"Doesn't matter," I said as I leaned in to kiss him. Connor pulled me closer and our kiss was slow and sweet. When we parted he smiled up at me again.
"Las, ya need ta keep ya strength up, t'at means eatin before ya play," he said. I pouted, as he let out a chuckel. "Ya know, ya get ya way, jus' not now," he encouraged me. I sighed.
"But I wanna now," I said in a whiny voice. A quick pat to my bottom and I looked at him. He smiled.
"Come on las," he chuckled. I sighed as I got off him and I went to get dressed.
We walked to the store, having nothing that I ever wanted at the house anymore. Connor and I talked about what to get for dinner. Sometime it was hard like today. I didn't want anything really. It would be a while in the store untill we settled on something. Someday I knew exactly what I wanted and it was easy. Others I went threw the store and grabbed random things and put them together.
One time I grabbed everything for a cabbage stew. Connor looked at me with a smiled. Asking me what I was making. I told him I didn't know, but it sounded good when I was picking it up. He let out a laugh and told me that was the ingredients for a strew his mother would make, Murphy's favorite. I smiled and cried. Another time I put Connor's favorite things in the cart and he kissed me. I just never knew what I was going to do untill it was done.
We were almost to the store when we heard a someone yelling at us from behind. We turned around to see Rocco rushing tward us. We didn't see him as much, now that we didn't spend much time at the bar. The last time we did see him I wasn't this pregnant, and by the way he looked at me I don't think Connor had told him.
"Woah! Steph, what did you swallow?" He laughed. I looked at him seriously.
"I didn't, that's why I look like this," I said seriously. Connor looked at me shocked then Rocco and then we all laughed.
"Aye, las, ya kill me," Connor laughed. I smiled. I looked back at Rocco.
"No seriously, I guess Connor forgot to tell you I was pregnant, I'm four months and it's twins," I said proudly. Rocco smiled bigger.
"Congrats guys!" He said as he pulled Connor in to a head lock and and called him a dirty dog. I laughed. Then he looked up at me. "Does Murphy know? He hasn't said anything," Rocco asked. I looked at him and sighed.
"No, he refuses to talk to me, Connor's tired," I said lowly. Rocco looked sad and hugged me.
"Want me to kick his Irish ass?" He asked with a small laugh. I looked up at him, with a smile.
"No, but thank you," I said. Rocco could be a bit of an dumb ass sometimes, but had the biggest heart. We said our goodbyes after a little more talking, and Rocco was gone. I hugged Connor tight and he held me close.
"It's ok las, Connor's 'ere," he assure me. I smiled up at him.
"Thanks hun," I said kissing his lips. Then with a smile I said. "Fuck the grocery store, let's get a pizza," I said leading him tward my favorite pizza place. Connor laughed as we walked that way.
After getting the pizza and making it home. Connor made me a plate and himself one. We went to the living room to find something else on tv to watch. I made a comment that if this is how the next few months were going to be I was considering getting a better cable package. Connor laughed, but agreed one with more movie channels would be nice. It wasn't too much longer that I was streched out, my head on Connor's lap and I was ready for a nap.
"We need a tv in the bedroom," I finnaly commented. I wanted to cuddle with him, and this stupid couch was just getting smaller as I got more pregnant.
"Aye, I could go fer t'at," Connor agreed. I sat up and rested my head on his bear chest.
"Mind if I take a nap?" I asked feeling exhusted. Connor pulled me closer.
"No, las ya sleep, Connor's got ya," he said as he kissed my head. I let out a small yawn and kissed his chest.
"I love you," I told him. I made sure to tell him every chance I got, now. Something to do with being pregnant and needing to be near him. I needed him to know how I felt. Connor cuddled closer to me.
"I love ya too lass," he said. Soon I saw asleep, but a lowd banging woke me up as I looked irrited at Connor. He looked at me and srugged as the banning continued.
"I go see las, yew sleep," Connor said. I groaned but let him go. He kissed my head and someone started to shout as I fell back to sleep.
I had a dream about Murphy, it was nothing new, I always had dreams about him, but in this one he was in my livingroom. He was talking to me and he kissed me. His hand gently on my stomach. I only saw him a short moment as my eyes fluttered shut again, but I heard him. I felt him, I opend my eyes looking around. There was no Connor, there was no Murphy, as uaual. Where had Connor gone? I could hear hushed voices in the kitchen and I got up.
"Conn!" I called to him, more of a whine for leaving me.
"Aye, las," he answered. I made my way to the door and I saw him I smiled, but then I looked to the other person at the table. A million feelings flooded me as I started to sob, I wanted to fall over I wanted to run to him. Murphy looked at me from his place at the table, eyes big and he stood as I let out a sob. It all happend slowly as he moved tward me and I practically tackled him. I cried so hard my head hurt as I burried my head in to his chest and he held me.
"Las, I'm 'ere, I'm sorry," I was only some of the words I could make out as I cried. Finnaly my head was pounding and I looked up at him. I wiped my eyes and sniffled.
"Your an asshole!" I yelled at him as I pulled him back into a hug. I head Connor let out a chuckel from behind me as I heard him tell Murphy it was hormones. I looked back at Murphy. "Don't you ever leave me again!" I yelled at him he smiled down at me and kissed my head.
"Aye, las, ya 'ave my word," he told me. a little while later I had my bearings and I stood on my own and smiled up at Murphy. He smiled back at me, his big happy smile.
"What changed your mind?" I finnaly asked him. Murphy looked at me.
"Las at t'e bar said somt'in' 'bout ya bein too scared ta come to t'e bar. If ya did she fight ya. Rocco went off on 'er, said she better not touch ya because yer pregnant an' if she did he'd kick 'er arss, t'en Connor kick 'er arss. Took me a minute, was mad, she was talkin' shit 'bout ya. T'en it hit me, w'at Roc, said, I ran over 'ere. Conn let me in ta see it was true, but ya was sleeping t'ough, didn't wanna wake ya. Con been tellin me, ya doin good, evrt'in's goin good," Murphy smiled as he talk. I smiled looking between him and Connor. He didn't seem angry anymore. He seemed happy. I listend to everything happy that the fighting was over for now.
"Murphy you broke my heart," I finnaly said. Murphy looked at me sad, I had to say it, I had to tell him. He killed me by what he did, he didn't just get to come back and act like everything was ok. "Connors been my rock, my world, I don't know what possesed you to be an asshole in the first place, but I won't deal with it again. I love both of you! Hell I don't know who's kids these are, and I don't care! Connor don't care. He was willing to rase them with me, without you. I'm telling you right now, I love you both, I'm serous this time, no fighting. Or I'm done!" I tried to make myself very clear. Murphy looked at Connor and me.
"Aye, Conn told me. I don't know why I acted t'at way las. I'd rat'er share ya, t'en not 'ave ya. Believe me, I'm sorry from everyt'in'! " Murphy said comming over to hug me. I hugged him back. We parted and he claimed my lips in the slowest sweetest kissed ever. When we parted I smiled. I missed kissing him so much. Connor cleared his throat.
"I let ya talk, Murph, ya be careful wit' our las, she's not as durable as she use ta be," Connor warrned him. Murphy nodded. Connor started to leave.
"Wait," I called to him he stopped. I kissed Murphy again quickly and walked with Connor to he door. "Where ya goin?" I asked. He smiled.
"Ta t'e bar for a couple hours. T'ank Roc, and give ya sometime," Connor said as he kissed me. I smiled and hugged him.
"I love you," I told him "Don't be all night thought," I wanted nothing more then to be with both my guys. He smiked in repose, kissing me to show he understood. I walked back to Murphy in the kitchen and he held out his arms for me. I smiled as I went over and hugged him.
"It's been too long," I told him as he held me.
"Aye las has," he agreed. We walked in to the living room to sit and I cuddled close to him. "Wanna 'ear everyt'in,' w'at's been goin on?" Murphy asked I looked up at him.
"I found out I was pregnant, actually saw you at the store the same day I found out. I was going to get the test," I told him remebering how he looked at me but said nothing. Murphy looked down at me. " Connor and I went to the doctor a couple days after that and they confermed it. I'm having twins. I have cravings for weird Irish food. Sometimes it's things you like, others it's things Connor likes," I said with a smile. Murphy hummed and smiled.
"Las, ya never know how sorry I am, payed for w'at I did evey second wit' out ya," Murphy said looking straight ahead. I sighed.
"I'm just over the fighting. Connor loves me as much as you do and he hs been the most amazing man threw all this. He never wanted to steal me, just share. He missed you too," I told Murphy. Murphy didn't say anything I looked up at him. He was thinking, I could tell by the look on his face.
"Alright las, how we doin t'is?" He asked. I smiled. I felt the same need to be close to him as I did for Connor.
"The three of us, all together, all the time. I want to sleep in the same bed with both of you, eat meals with you. Just be with you two as much as possible," I told Murphy. He looked down at me.
"What 'bout lovin? Can I get ya alone fer t'at? " He asked. I smile.
"Don't worry you both will get your alone times, but I like when you love me together, too" I told him. Murphy smiled.
"Ya right las, we are two halves of a whole, Con and I," Murphy said.
"Yeah, so believe me when I tell you, it sucks when one of you isn't around," I said as I moved in and kissed him. It didn't take Murphy long to pull me on to him.
"Las, I believe I 'aven't apologized fully yet," he smiled after our kiss broke and I looked down at him eye's hooded.
"I believe your right, Mr. MacMamus," I said as I loved in for another kiss. Murphy didn't waist any time, he never did, my shirt and shorts were gone in seconds as he laid me down on the couch. I smiled up at him when he saw I was wearing no bar or panties. "I hate clothes lately, I sleep naked ninety percent of the time," Murphy smiled bigger.
"Las, I love ya," he said as he kissed at my neck. I moaned lowly, he knew my sweet spot and found it quickly. I pulled his shirt up and he was quick to help me in taking it off. He trailed kisses down my body as I fought to get ahold of his belt, with no luck. I felt him smile against me as he kissed at my brests. He bit and sucked at them, knowing I loved his roughness. It didn't take his hands long to find my center and him to start working me with his fingers.
"Shouldda, known ya were already wet fer me," Murphy smiled smiling up at me as his fingures worked in and out of my center.
"Humm," I moaned as I felt myself comming closer to my climax. I closed my eyes and felt Murphy move to my center, he added his mouth with his hands and it didn't take me long to come. Murphy made sure to lap me clean and come up to kiss me roughly.
"Las, I missed ya, so much," he told me when out kiss ended. I looked up to him.
"Me too," I breathed comming down from my climax. He smiled at me kissing my neck and picking me up. Murphy carried me in to my room and laid me on the bed as he quickly rid himself of his shoes and pants. He crawled in beside me and started kissing me again. I was quick to push him down and get on top of him. I needed to feel every inch of him. I kissed him untill I couldn't breath then I moved to kiss the rest of his body. Murphy smiled up at me.
"Las, ya in such a hurry," he commented. I smiled up at him as I reached his member.
"I've missed every inch of you," I told him. He smiled in response, as I stated loving his member with my mouth and hands. After only a few minutes, to my disapointment Murphy pulled me off of him.
"Las, 'aven't been wit' a las sence we broke up," he admitted as he smiled at me. I saw the darkness in his eyes and I was quick to get on all fours. I couldn't wait for him to take what he wanted from me. I had been waiting for this kinda love for four months now. He slapped my ass and I let out a low moan.
"Murphy!" I cried, begging for him to take me. He came behind me and leaned in to kiss my shoulders.
"In such a rush," he repeated, as he tested my wetness with his fingures. I moaned out again. Murphy kissed at my shoulders again, and grabbed a handfull of my hair, pulling my bead back. I let out a lowder moan. Murphy slid in to me, slowly, I whined lowly. I wanted my Murphy's rouggtness.
"Murphy!" I begged, he kissed at my lips from behind as he moved slowly.
"Las, t'is as rough as it gets, ya breakable now," he said holding my hip with one hand as he moved slowly in and out of me. It was still amazing, it didn't matter that it wasn't Murphy's usual roughness. Soon I was begging him to speed up, I was close. Murphy increased his speed just a little, and I didn't take me long to come for him. Murphy finished almost as soon as I did and he let go of my hair. He pulled me close to him as we laid down and I cuddled close to him.
"I love you!" I sighed as I fell asleep. I heard him tell me he loved me too as he kissed my head.
Sometime later I felt Murphy move and I pulled him back on to the bed. He wasn't getting away from me that easily. I head him chuckled as two different strong arms from the other side of the bed replaced his. I turned to look at Connor.
"Con!" I cried out happily as I kissed him. He smiled and kissed me back, I felt Murphy come back behind me and I looked over at him. "Muph!" I said as I kissed him too. They both laughed and I was engulfed in arms. I felt so safe and warm, but I wasn't sleepy. As I looked at my two guys, smiling ear to ear.
"Ya hungy las?" Connor asked, as he turned closer to me. I looked up at him.
"Baby Connor wants ice cream, baby Murphy wants more pizza," I said. I heard Murphy chuckle.
"Mmmh, pizza," he said. I smiled, as my hand went to my stomach.
"Daddy Murphy wants Pizza too," I told my stomach. I heard the boys laugh and we were all up again. Murphy was ordering a pizza and Connor was dishing me out some ice cream. I smiled happily as my tow men took care of me. After ice cream was eaten and pizza was gone. I looked at the guys with a long yawn. They both nodded and I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and headed back to bed. They both waited for me as I climbed in the middle and their arms went around me to hold me in to place. I smiled up at both of them and gave each a kiss good night.
"I love you," I said to both of them and both responded with their love. Happy, full, and warm, in the arms of my guys I fell asleep, again.

Double Trouble Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ