Chapter 4

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POV: Annabeth

She ran home after she kissed Percy on the cheek because she was a bit embarrassed. Annabeth didn't know what came over her to do such a thing but she just had to urge to.

She couldn't wait for her date tomorrow. When Percy asked her, she was a little shocked and ecstatic on the inside but had to keep it in and just replied with a simple sure.

When Annabeth came home, her parents were there and were surprised she was so happy, but didn't question her about it.

She happily went to her room before supper and thought about Percy.

Her parents called her down for dinner and she quickly ran down.

After her supper, she changed to her pajamas and happily went to sleep dreaming about a certain someone.


The next morning, she woke up nice and early and went down for breakfast.

Went out.

See you tonight!
Love you

Mom and dad

She smiled and quickly ate her breakfast. It was still early before her date with Percy and she decided to call one of her best friends Piper.

"Hello?" asked Piper.

"Hey. It's Annabeth. I'm having some boy trouble."

Piper squealed and said "Spill!!"

Annabeth told Piper what happened over the last few days with Percy and about their lunch date.

"What should I wear?" questioned Annabeth.

"Just wear something casual but not to casual."

"What?!!" Annabeth exclaimed confused.

"Just wear something nice and casual."

"Wow! That helped so much!" Annabeth said with sarcasm.

"Your welcome!" Piper said not getting the hint, more like ignoring though.

"I'll talk to you later. Bye"

"Bye!" Piper said

She decided on a nice blue shirt and jean shorts (A/N: I'm not really into fashion so stay with me here)

After changing, she decided to watch Spongebob while waiting for her date.


POV: Percy

After his shift was over, he walked back home and saw his mom wasn't back yet. 

He started planning where they would go during their date.

While thinking about the date, his mind drifted to Annabeth and started thinking about her.

Percy quickly snapped out of it and he knew he had to make it perfect FOR her.

He finally came up with an idea! It would be a surprise for not only her but (For you readers!)

Perfect he thought.

His mom came home and prepared supper while Percy was getting everything ready for tomorrow.

"So... tell me what happened today. I can obviously tell you're happy by the way you're acting." his mom said once they started eating dinner.

Percy blushed and said explained everything that happened leaving out Annabeth's kiss on his cheek.

Percy's mom just smiled.

After dinner, he got changed and went to bed his mind filled with a certain someone.


The next morning, he actually woke up early and ran to the kitchen.

Had to go to work early.

There are blue pancakes in the fridge.

Have fun on your date! ;)

After reading the last part, he blushed but quickly went to the fridge and started munching on his cold pancakes dripping with syrup.

Percy was so nervous. He really liked Annabeth and didn't want to mess up this date with her.

I don't think I've every been this focused or nervous ever... even for tests and exams he thought.

He really wanted to text her and talk to her but decided against it and tried to wait patiently.

Percy had gotten the day off because the owner was really nice.

It was almost 12, finally he thought, he grabbed his stuff (Things for the date that you'll have to wait and see) and started walking to the coffee shop.

When he arrived, he saw Annabeth was talking with the other cashier, Jake.

They were laughing and she playfully punched his arm.

Percy felt a pang of jealousy, but shook it off knowing he would have the day with Annabeth.

He saw Annabeth and she looked amazing today... even though she always did.

He entered the coffee shop and luckily Annabeth noticed, said bye to Jake and walked in Percy's direction.

"Hey Seaweed brain." she said cheerfully.

"Hey Wise Girl. You look pretty. Ready for our date?" he asked.

She blushed and said "You don't look so bad yourself either. Let's go!"

Together they exited the coffee shop.

A/N: I know the chapter's shorter than the others but I just really wanted to save their date for the next chapter. Can you guess what Percy has planned for their date? ;)


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