Chapter 5

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POV: Annabeth

When we left the coffee shop, Percy took me to his car and he started driving.

"Where are we going?"I asked curiously.

He smirked and said, "It's a surprise."

I playfully glared at him and kept silent.

After half an hour, we reached an old barn with acres of land filled with grass.

I stepped out of the car with a smile on my face and took in my surroundings. 

I gasped and said, "This is amazing! Thank you for bringing me here. I love it."

Percy smiled and responded, "I thought you would."

He then proceeded to blindfold me and I asked, "What are you doing?"

"This isn't the surprise, silly," he replied.

I laughed and rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see it.

Percy took my hand and I felt sparks shoot through my arm, and he guided me along with him.

We walked for about 10 minutes when we finally came to a stop.

"Here we are!" Percy announced proudly, and he took off the blindfolds. 

I opened my eyes and gasped. It was a small pond with a bridge surrounded by grass and some trees.

"It's beautiful!" I said in awe.

I turned to look at Percy and I saw he was smiling widely at me. My heart fluttered at the sight.

He laid a blanket near the water on the grass and nodded at me to sit down.

As we sat down, he opened a small picnic basket and handed me a sandwich.

I was silent, taking in the view, when he suddenly blurted, "A few years ago, I was physically abused by my step-father. Luckily my mom divorced his sorry ass, but I suffered from depression and I was into drugs and alcohol. My mom tried so hard to help me, but nothing worked. I didn't know what to do, and I almost committed suicide, but then my mom gave birth to my little sister, Alexandra, and I realised I had to step up and act like a real big brother. One night when I was drunk, I stumbled across this place and ever since then, this has always been a calming, safe and special place to me. No one knows about this place other than me and now you, but I decided to take you here on our date because I don't know what it is about you, but you are different, in a good way of course and I want to know more about you. I've recovered, but I understand if you don't want anything to do with me."

I was in shock, but took in a deep breath and thought about what he said. 

I slowly started to grin at him and said, "I won't leave you Percy, ever. And that's a promise."


To say I was happy was an understatement, a huge one. I was ecstatic.  I'm so pleased Percy opened up to me even though we've only known each other for a few days, but I know he trusts me, and for some reason, I trust him.

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