[P1] Chapter 2

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Erik POV:

I read over the email one more time before closing my lap top. Accepting a job as a teacher in a high school? This is absolutely ridiculous. It's not like I needed the money...I think I needed a hobby maybe. I mean, music is my life but...my friend believes that I need to get out of the house. With him being the principal and in need of a last minute teacher, I took it, basically only to help him and to get out of my house.

The last thing I needed was to be around uneducated youth but in a way I guess it could be helpful for them. And maybe to me. I will work this year and see how it plays out.

With a very stressful life of being shunned because of my face, I never found a reason to go out. Even with a mask there are people who stare and snicker and judge. I just wanted to be left alone. Of course my old friend Nadir believes the opposite. He feels I need someone. I don't want anyone, I never did. I always wanted to be left alone. And so far it is working.

I checked the time and saw it was late, but my eyes caught sight with my car in the driveway. I stared at it for a long moment, and I found it strange. I tore my gaze away from it and I sat down on my sofa in the parlor. I stared straight ahead until I wanted to get up. I ended up walking back to the window.

Call me superstitious, but I always believed in signs. My mind wandered to my car...maybe I was meant to be driving right now...

I sighed in defeat and grabbed my car keys. I started driving around, taking random paths. I ended up driving in the forest, closer to the mountains. I had a Bach CD playing and I was just lost in my thoughts.

As I drove, I swear I saw a little blonde walking down the street. I turned around and shook my head. Strange teenagers taking walks at this time of night. That's another reason why I didn't want to teach at a high school, kids were strange.

I drove a little farther until I saw a car smashed into a tree. My foot inched its way to the break and I decided to stop by it. I pulled over and got out of my car. "Hello, can you please help me?" I heard a light angelic voice ask.

I seemed taken back by it, not prepared for an angel to speak to me, "What's wrong?" I managed to ask. Little did I know that seeing this young girl change my life forever?


I walked into my classroom and put my bag down. I readied myself for the day. I hated all of my classes...And this is only day two. I hated all of my students, and there was no doubt they hated me. I hardly see any classes throughout the day, so this is simply an easy schedule. But in reality, I couldn't stand it here. All I wanted to do was stay at home and compose, but of course I needed to go along with Nadir. Damn him.

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. I turned my attention to Nadir walking in, "Good morning Erik. Are you well?"

"Just fine. And yourself?" I asked, though I was the least bit curious on how he was.

"Fine. How are your classes going?"

"Fine...All of these students are completely foolish and hardly know anything." I muttered.

He chuckled, "Just don't go too hard on them."

"Me? Hard on them?" I scoffed, "I am probably the kindest teacher here-"

"Yo, Mr. D! I-" That foolish boy Piangi paraded in.

"GO NOW!" I shouted at him, "I don't want to see you in my class today!" I barked.

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