[P1] Chapter 13

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Christine POV:

I walked into class nervously. Mr. Destler saw me have a panic attack on stage. I'm just waiting for the comments he's going to make. I don't even know if sounded well, or if he thought I sounded good at least.

No one was in the room yet, not even Mr. Destler. I let out a sigh of relief—

"Hello, Mr. Todd." I whipped around and saw Mr. Destler standing over me.

Mr. Todd? Oh right....yesterday's audition. I let out a quick, nervous laugh before looking at him, "You saw that, huh?"

His lips that were once in a thin line turned into a slight smile, "It was rather amusing."

I glared at him, "Well you made me mess up." I crossed my arms, "I saw you there and you made me nervous." I blamed him.

He smirked, "I make you nervous, Miss Daae?"

My glare fell, "Wh-What?"

Two kids started to walk in the room and to their seats. Mr. Destler looked at the clock to make sure they weren't late. Then he turned to me and started a completely different topic, as if what he just said was never said. Maybe it wasn't, "I'm pleased to inform you that you are now Rebecca Steinberg. Congratulations."

I couldn't believe it...Already? "Are you sure?" I couldn't make out words, "I mean...it's only been two days and I'm sure there were other girls better than myself...how is this possible?" I started to pace around. I think I was having another panic attack, "I was always in the chorus since middle school...this is amazing!" my smile stretched across my face.

"Yes, well, don't be getting a big head." He warned, "You were flat on a few of your notes and didn't hit correct ones—"

Even Mr. Destler's insulting couldn't bum my mood. I was still smiling ear to ear as he rambled on about how I could improve different parts. What's the point of improving that song when we're not even doing Sweeney Todd anyway?

"Thank you Mr. Destler!" I threw my arms around him, "Your lessons must have helped me and of course I'm sure you put in a good word with Mrs. Barret—" I froze as I realized I was hugging his completely nervous body.

I let go and took four steps back. He was just staring at me, his hands trembling slightly.

I cleared my throat, "Uh...I'm sorry." I muttered before speed walking to my seat.

I pulled out a book from my bag and stared at the pages. I didn't read it. I just needed to make sure I looked like I was doing something. I was terrified to look at Mr. Destler. I hugged him...and he looked like he lost it just by me doing that. It wasn't even a proper hug.

Finally Raoul came in and he seemed to take some of the tension away. For my part at least. I had the courage to look up at Mr. Destler who was just sitting at his desk again, staring down at an open book. The same thing I was doing...was he reading it or was he pretending to like I was? "Hey Chris." Raoul cooed before kissing my cheek.

I smiled and leaned in for a quick peck on the lips, "Hey."

"So...Great news!" he said, with a little more volume than necessary.

"Did you hear?"

He looked worried, "What?"

"Oh...I thought you heard...Uh...Well, I'm playing Rebecca Steinberg in our school musical!"

He smiled, "That's great, Chris. I'm really proud of you...and I'm sorry I didn't see your audition."

I smiled, "Oh, no that's fine." Mr. Destler showed up though... "What did you want to tell me?"

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