Chapter 2: A Rescue, A Recruited savoir

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Suddenly, as Rigby was about to let go, he felt something, or someone grab his hand tightly. His heart sank as he felt several tear drops drip out of his dreary, black eyes.

Rigby turned around and gasped as saw who was grabbing his hand.

It was Benson, his boss.

Fear shook the small creature as he looked at Benson; eyes wide open and shocked with disbelief.

Benson sighed and grabbed Rigby's other hand and brought him back onto the house. Rigby sighed shakily, still a bit startled, as he climbed down the ladder that Benson had brought. The gumball machine followed behind and shook his head.

When the two were down onto the lawn, Benson sat down; patting a part of the grass as to signal Rigby to sit next to the gumball machine.

Rigby shakily nodded and sat next to his boss and looked down, hugging his knees to his small chest tightly. Benson patted the raccoon's shoulder gently and sighed.

"So, would you like to explain what happened?"

Rigby stayed quite for a little while, still a bit frightened that Benson, his boss that would yell at him and Mordecai to stop slacking off, was comforting him.

Rigby looked at Benson and sighed shakily again.

"I-I thought it was the only way... I wanted to end it... Mordecai OBVIOUSLY doesn't like me anymore and prefers that stupid whore of a chick instead of his best friend! I thought that maybe by ending it all, it would be better. After all, you hate me, right? You don't even want me here, right?"

Benson shook his head and sighed as he pressed his round glass dome against the edge of the building. Stress started to creep into his mind, but he shook it off quickly.

"No. I'm just stressed out. There has been a lot. A lot has happened. I shouldn't take it out on you or Mordecai. I just get frustrated so easily. Sorry."

Rigby smiled and laid down. Benson smiled as well and sighed.

"Besides, if you did kill yourself, it would be pretty quite!"

Rigby nodded and started to get up.

"Thanks Benson!" he said, as he dashed into the house, excited to see Mordecai.

Benson sighed as he opened up his phone, a picture of him and Pops cuddling popped up and he sighed happily.

"I know why he really did that. Jealousy..."

"Going Through Another Regular Day" ( Mordecai X Rigby)Where stories live. Discover now