Chapter 3: Spoiled Milk

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Mordecai cursed underneath his breath as he looked everywhere for his raccoon friend. He felt worried and scared at the same time.
Why would Rigby run away!? Was he mad at me for getting Margret back with me? Was he jealous? The blue jay thought hard and felt hurt.
"Well if he was jealous," he told himself aloud, "he should of told me. Ugh... But this is Rigby! He would get jealous. But why?"

As he kept looking around the park, he spotted Benson and walked over to him.

Benson smiled softly and walked towards Mordecai. Mordecai sighed as he looked at his boss, worry in his eyes.

"Benson! Have you seen Rigby around? I can't find him anywhere!"

Benson nodded and pointed to the house. He looked at Mordecai and sighed, shaking his head.

"He headed to the house. He ran away from you because he was jealous. He told me what happened. Rigby also tried to jump off the house and kill himsel-"

Mordecai gasped and interrupted Benson"

"What!?! Why!? And why was he jealous!? Benson please tell me!"

Benson nods and sat down on the grass with Mordecai beside him.

"He told me he was upset with you and how you love Margret over him. I think he might be, and this is just a guess, he might have a crush on you, Mordecai."

Mordecai blushed and looked away embaressed due to the fact his face was flushed with red. He gripped at the grass and sighed. He looked back at Benson.

"That explains a lot."

"It does when you think about it. Why else would he do that? Jealousy can take over you like some sort of ghost. And knowing this place, thats pretty normal." Benson replied and shook his head.

Mordecai spoke up in a hurt tone, "but suicide isn't the answer."

Benson nodded and simply patted the blue jay's back gently. He looked down and shrugged.

"He acts like a child a lot, huh?"

Mordecai nodded and sighed, "but, to be honest, I never thought he'd take it this far."

Benson nodded in agreement and looked up at the clear, blue sky and looked at the grass.

"You know, I get Rigby and where he is in this. I get why he's jealous and I understand why he would be upset at you, Mordecai. But he should have just talked to you about it."

Mordecai frowned and shook his head. "How would you know what he's going through? You practically hate u-"

"If I hated Rigby, then why did I stop him?" Benson cut through.

Mordecai went silently and narrowed his eyes.

"You didn't reall-"

"I did. Thats how i know about all of this. Because he told me about it."

Mordecai gulped and nodded. He looked at Benson and sighed in frustraition.

After what felt to be hours, Benson spoke up.

"You know, if you guys were going to date, Pops and I will support you both."

Mordecai's eyes shot wide as he turned to his boss.

"Why would you?"

Benson smirked and smiled brightly, "well why don't you guess?"

Mordecai blushed and thought, he and Pops can't be...

Benson smiled and waited for Mordecai to reply, blush wiped across the blue jay's face now.

"Are you guys... Gay?"

Benson nodded and sighed, "technically, we've been together for 10 years. But because of what happened with Pops' memory and such, how he lost most memory, I avoided him and decided to date one of my friends, who is a girl."

Mordecai's beak dropped open as he heard this. This can't be true, can it...?

"W-wow. I had no idea, Benson! Sorr-"

"Don't be. No one, not even Maelaurd knows about Pops and I being gay. Not even now. We just act like close buddys. Kind of like you two."

Mordecai smiled and blushed red as he scratched the back of his neck. He turned to Benson and nervously shook a little.

"What should I do, Benson?"

Benson smiled and blushed, "I would be honest with him, Mordecai. If you feel the same way for him, go for it. I wouldn't hurt him more. He might try to jump off the house again or worse... Perhaps he would cut himself?"

Mordecai got up from his spot and smiled. "Thank you Benson."

Benson nodded and watched the blue jay head towards the house.


He smiled and sighed as he entered the house silently and looked up at the ticking clock.

What should I do? I mean... I did have a crush on Rigby for years now, but always surpassed it and stayed straight. I'm assuming he did the same with Eileen. Oh God what should I do!?! He thought harshly on himself, an argument raging on in his head

After about three minutes, he nodded to himself and headed up to the bedroom, where hopefully, Rigby would be.

He slowly opened the door and his eyes widened. There was Rigby; sobbing as if he were a nine-year-old over getting a skid knee or something. Tears flowed down the raccoon's face, his face burried into Mordecai's pillow as he choked out muffles. The blue jay couldn't undestand what he was saying, or screaming, but he had a bad feeling that Rigby was saying, "my fault! My fault!" over and over again.

Now Mordecai was more nervous than ever. He gulped and shook his head silently, and stayed behind the door.

Now what!?

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