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We Don't Talk Anymore|SebastianStan

Real Life

ABIGAIL SAT AT HER DESK, STARING OUT THE WINDOW AT THE NEW YORK SKYLINE. A thousand thoughts were flying around her head, making it pound constantly. Her hand flew up towards her forehead and rubbed it slowly. The many thoughts were stressing her out and it made her want to leave and take a walk. Her head was saying 'yes' but her heart was saying 'no'. Some news she had received earlier had made her sick to her stomach; she couldn't concentrate, her stomach was in knots, her mind was going at a thousand times a minute, it made things ten times worse.

She hadn't heard Sebastian come into the room, until she felt a hand on her back. He moved it up and down as a sign of comfort towards her. She looked up at him as he gave her a small smile. Her smile didn't show as he did so, which made Sebastian worry. He knew why she was acting like this, and it wasn't the most pleasantest thing to hear on a Saturday morning. Her hair was still in a messy bun from the night before, her glasses were slightly falling off her nose and her face was clear of make up, but not from tears.

Sebastian pushed her glasses up and then his hand left her back and he walked in front of her after spinning the chair round so he could see her better. Her red, puffy eyes and her tear stained cheeks showed how bad she was taking it. He couldn't stand seeing her like that and it killed him a little inside, knowing he couldn't do anything.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked while bending down to her level. Abigail didn't move. Her elbow stayed on her knee, while her chin stayed resting on her hand.

"Talk to me Abi. I can't stand to see you like this. So quiet" she still said nothing. No movement, no mumble, no whisper, completely still and silent. When realising he would get no answer, he left her alone and knew she would come around when she was ready. As he left, he closed the door. He stayed for a minute just to hear the soft cries that came from Abigail. He lowered his head and walked away; he knew however hard he tried, he could do nothing until she asked him.

Inside the office, Abigail was still sat at her desk. There wasn't anything important on it, only papers and pens. She stood up and quickly swiped the contents off of the table. The crash startled her and she sat back down, the tears came streaming out again. The news had hit her hard and she definitely wasn't taking it well.

From downstairs, Sebastian had heard the crash and sprinted up the stairs. He skipped a step every time just to get to Abigail quicker. He crashed through the door to see nothing on the desk, a pile of stationary on the floor and a broken Abigail in the chair. Her knees were close to her chest and her body was shaking violently. Sebastian immediately ran towards her and pulled her into his tight embrace. She cried into his shoulder, still shaking, while Sebastian whispered calming words into her ear.

After Abigail had almost stopped shaking and her tears had minimised, she pulled away from Sebastian, much to both their dismays, but she had to.

"I can't do this," she whispered while holding her head, "I can't live like this"

"Yes, yes you can. You've got me, you've got Chris and Lizzie and Cobie and Scar and Robert and Anthony and everyone who loves you. I know this sucks, but it's natural. You can't change anything and I'm so sorry it happened"

"I just...I just wish I was with them more then I had been"

"You couldn't have, they live in London and we live in New York. It would take so much money to visit them, and we would have needed to find the time to go. With both our jobs, seeing them often would be a miracle. I'm sorry babe"

"I just can't believe it ended so quickly. He was only young"

"I know, it's hard. I know" Sebastian pulled her in for another hug. Her head rested into his shoulder and a few soft cries escaped her mouth. He felt awful knowing that the only way he could help was telling her soothing things and trying to calm her down when she cried.

"I miss him"

"You will do, and you always will"

"Why did he have to go?"

"I don't know princess, I don't know"

We Don't Talk Anymore «» Sebastian Stan «» #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now