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We Don't Talk Anymore|SebastianStan


Real Life

AN ERIE SILENCE FELL AMONGST THE CHURCH. Abigail, Sebastian and her family were sat in the front row. All were mourning their loss silently, wiping away their tears with a tissue, as the priest carried out the ceremony. There were 20 people sat in the 4 front benches; 5 on each row. Abigail, Sebastian, her mum and her dads parents were sat right at the front, then her dads 2 brothers, sister, her husband and her son sat on the other side.

Ryan Haden-Smith's coffin was layered with flowers. Blue, white, pink, red, any colour you could imagine, the Haden-Smith family had found and bought them. His brown and glossy coffin was placed in the centre behind the priest. He was talking about how life doesn't end for the dead, it's just a new start for them. But Abigail didn't realise. She was too busy trying not to cry in front of everyone, even though she was the one most likely to.

Sebastian glanced over towards her and saw a small, but silent, tear gently roll down her face. He leaned over, gently placed his hand under her chin, turned her head to face him and carefully wiped it away while she looked into his baby blue eyes. He gave her a small smile before turning back to the front and listening to the priest again. Abigail stayed looking at Sebastian's profile, scared that if she looked towards the front, towards her dads coffin, she would start crying. Whereas her mother was constantly staring at his coffin, tears were constantly falling from her wet eyes but silently and she never made attempt to remove them.

"...and now a few words from Scarlett Haden-Smith." Her mom sniffled before standing up and walking to were the priest previously was. As she got up there, she composed herself, sniffled again and looked straight at Abigail.

"Ryan was a wonderful man, husband, father, son and friend. He was my lifeline all through college, we were the childhood sweethearts everyone wanted to be. He never failed to put a smile on my face, his smile lit up my world even in the darkest of times. There's no one I would've rather been with then Ryan. I never knew someone as positive and as bright and as kind as him until we had Abigail," she gave her a small smile and pulled herself together, "I know he loved her with all his heart, as I have done since I first saw her.

"Ryan can never be replaced, as you all know that. He was an astonishing man, his knowledge shocked me when he first started tutoring me in college and it continued to shock me as we got older. I never in a million years thought I would be as lucky as I was getting Ryan. There was never a dark moment with Ryan; he was always smiling, unless something made him stop. He shall be missed by many," a small tear fell down her face, "I'll stop talking now, else I'll start crying even more. Thank you for coming everyone." Scarlett made her way down from the front and back to her seat next to Abigail. She gave her mom a smile before turning back to the front.

"Abigail, would you like to say something?" The priest asked. Abigail slowly nodded her head while standing up and replacing the priest.

"My dad was an extraordinary man. He never failed to make me smile, he was always there for me when I needed him, he taught me so many things about life, he was the best. He was a friend to all. There was never a bad thing I could, or can, say about him. He was always so positive, always so supportive. He was at every sports festival, every academic award ceremony, every sport award ceremony, every birthday party, every big thing happening in my life, he was there. My father can never be replaced; his positive, bubbly, supportive, comforting personality is one I will never forget.

"I remember when I was 5 or 6, he took me out on my bike. I'd only had a few months without my stabilisers so I was a bit wobbly. But I got on and tried my best because I didn't want to disappoint him. So, there we were, riding on our bikes, I was so confident; I wasn't going all over the sidewalk, I was in a straight line. And then, I somehow missed seeing a massive block of the sidewalk off the ground. My front wheel went straight into it and I flipped over my handle bars. I had my helmet on, he wasn't that irresponsible, so my head stayed intact, but my elbows, knees and hands were grazed. I, being a 5 year old, started crying. He came running over to me, trying to help my injuries. When I finally stopped crying I said to him 'I'm sorry daddy, I didn't want to disappoint you' and he just replied 'you could never disappoint me, sweetheart. You're my little princess' and that's when I realised: I could never disappoint my dad, he would always be proud of me and he told me that every year in my birthday card." A small tear fell down her face.

"I never thought this would happen so quickly; he was a happy and healthy man, but no one can predict what happens in the future. I know it will be hard to get over his death, and I probably never will, but I know that I have to stay strong for my entire family and myself. And I will. My dad was a special man, and he is a legend that will live on. Thank you all for coming." Abigail gave everyone a small smile before leaving the front and sitting next to her mom and Sebastian again. His arm instantly went around her shoulders and Abigail fell into his embrace.

The priest continued to talk and said a few poems and hymns and then everyone was lead outside. Sebastian, Ryan's dad, brothers, brother-in-law and nephew were carrying his coffin. They had it on either of their shoulders and carried it all the way down to his grave. The hot July sun was beaming down on them, making it hard to carry the coffin in black suits. When they got to the grave, they slowly lowered it down into the hole while the others who were there started crying again at the sight of Ryan's body leaving them once and for all.

Two men dug over the grave, sealing the coffin off from the outside world. Ryan's parents left immediately after the coffin was covered. They couldn't bear seeing their son under the ground. The last people to leave his grave were Abigail and Sebastian. Abigail stood next to it, no tears, no whimpers, no trembling lip. She was emotionless while still trying to realise her dad was dead. Sebastian noticed her strange behaviour, walked up next to her and slowly placed his hand in hers. She immediately grabbed his hand and brought it up to her lips, leaving small kisses where ever she wanted to.

"Have I ever told you I love you?" She asked through kisses.

"Yes, many times"

"That's because I do, and I don't know what I'd do if you left me" she stopped kissing his hand and brought it back down between the two.

"Good, because I love you too, and I'm not leaving anytime soon" Abigail looked up towards Sebastian and gave him a small smile. He returned it just before Abigail turned around and started walking towards her car. They walked in silence while holding hands.

Although Abigail had lost someone, she still had her family to love and support her.

Not all bad things have to be bad, because sometimes out of bad things, you get good things.

We Don't Talk Anymore «» Sebastian Stan «» #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now