Chapter 3

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Josh got home a little while later and scooped me into a bear hug as soon as he saw me. Josh and I were neighbors growing up. When him and his mom moved to LA, I was his first friend on the west coast. We quickly became best friends. He was the one who had introduced me to Drake and I was the one who had introduced him to Abby. They had managed to stay together all these years and it made me happy. But it was also bittersweet because I knew he was disappointed Drake and I didn't last.
He released me, "It's so good to see you CordyCue. I missed you."
"I missed you too, Joshy Bear," I smiled at our childhood nicknames for each other.
"Drake," Josh said finally noticing he was there. "Didn't know you were joining us?"
"Neither did I," Drake laughed. "Til my wife showed up asking for a divorce."
"I can't believe you guys didn't take care if that sooner," Josh shook his head.
"I would've," I said. "Had I known it wasn't just a joke."
"Oh Cordy," Josh laughed. "I think you were the only one who didn't know it wasn't just a joke."
"Then why didn't anyone tell me?!" I whined.
"We all thought you knew," Abby said.
"But no one ever mentioned it, ever!" I argued.
"What was there to say?" Josh asked.
"Oh gee, I dunno," I said. "How about when I was moving to New York for the rest of my life one of you pulling me aside and saying 'Hey what about your marriage?'"
"Yeah we probably should've questioned it," Josh said.
"But we figured you knew what you were doing," Abby finished.
"Never assume I know what I'm doing," I shook my head in defeat.
"Amen to that," Drake muttered.
"Oh, like you're one to talk," Josh looked at him pointedly.
Drake laughed, "Alright, we've all made mistakes, let's just leave it at that. I thought we were going to dinner?"
"We are," Josh said. "Let me just get cleaned up and we can go."
Josh and Abby disappeared down the hallway leaving Drake and I alone again.
"So what's it like living in New York?" he asked after a minute of awkward silence.
"It's definitely different than LA," I said. "Everyone's in a hurry. And almost everyone is angry about something. And the weather sucks. It was only 80 when I left there this morning but with their humidity it felt like it was 110. And don't even get me started on the winters. But overall I love it. I miss Cali though, a lot. I guess I'll always be a California girl."
He chuckled, "Why are you so nervous?"
"What?" I asked caught off guard. "I'm not -"
"You're rambling," he smiled. "You always ramble when you're nervous."
"Oh," I said biting my bottom lip. "Sorry I-"
"Are we ready?" Josh asked as him and Abby came out changed.
"Yes, we are," Drake said then leaned over my shoulder and whispered before catching up with Josh, "And it's still cute as hell when you ramble like that."
I immediately blushed, not only from his words but from the feel of his lips and breath on my skin. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as I followed them out.
We got into Josh's SUV and Abby sat in the back with me.
"What is going on with you two?" she whispered.
"Nothing," I said softly. "He won't sign the papers until his lawyer looks over them."
"I'm not talking about that," she whispered. "If I didn't know any better..."
"What?" I asked.
"Forget it," she said. "It's probably just my imagination."
"Nothing is going on," I argued in a hushed tone. "I'm getting married in two weeks!"
"I know," she said softly. "Like I said I'm just imagining things."
My phone started ringing it was Rick.
"So how was the flight?" he asked, after I answered.
"Good," I said.
"And did you get it taken care of?" he asked.
"Not yet," I said.
"Why not?" he asked.
"He wants his lawyer to look over the paperwork tomorrow," I said and looked up toward the passenger seat. Drake caught my eye and I saw a small smile play on his lips.
"Oh that's smart," Rick said. "Can't say I blame him there. So tomorrow everything will be settled and Sunday you'll be flying home. Then ten days later we'll be married."
"I know, I can't wait," I smiled. "I just want all of this behind me."
That wiped the smile off Drake's face, I even thought I caught a glimpse of pain in his eyes before he turned back toward the windshield.
"It will be soon," Rick said. "So what are you up to now?"
"Going to dinner with some old friends," I said.
"Oh that sounds nice," he said. "Will they be coming to the wedding so I'll get to meet them?"
"Yes," I said. "Of course."
"Excellent," he said. "Well go enjoy yourself and call me tomorrow when everything has been taken care of."
"Of course," I said. "Love you."
"Yeah me too," he said and hung up quickly.
"Dinner with old friends huh?" Drake asked looking back at me again. He had put sunglasses on so I couldn't read his eyes.
"I wasn't lying," I simply said.
"You didn't mention your husband was here?" he asked curiously.
"I haven't spoken to you in six years," I said. "And you're stalling on signing the papers so I don't really feel like trying to explain why you're here. Especially when I don't fully understand why you're even here."
"I thought it would be nice to catch up," he said. "Like you said YOU haven't spoken to me in six years."
"Well, it's not like you ever cared to try and get in touch with me," I snapped.
"Just forget it," he grumbled, turning to Josh. "Maybe you oughta take me home?"
"Dude," Josh said. "Look at that traffic heading toward back toward Los Feliz. Suck it up now buttercup, you're going to dinner. I'm starving."
"Fine," Drake replied crossing his arms over his chest.
"Still behaving like a child I see," I muttered.
"You're both acting like children," Josh growled. "Now knock it off. We're all adults here. We all used to be friends. Can't we act like it for one God damned evening?"
"I can if she can," Drake replied.
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah sorry Joshy."
"Thank you," Josh said turning the radio back up.
"Still wanna deny that anything is going on?" Abby whispered.
"The only thing going on," I said in a hushed tone. "Is him acting like a spoiled brat, as usual."
"Or a jealous ex?" she whispered pointedly.
"It's been six years, Abs," I said softly. "He can't possibly be jealous."
She shrugged but didn't say anything.

Drake remained fairly silent throughout dinner and he avoided my eyes. I felt bad for snapping at him even though he pushed me to it. He always did know how to push my buttons.
When he excused himself to go to the bathroom I followed him and waited for him to come out.
"Did you seriously follow me to the bathroom?" he asked.
"I wanted to apologize," I said. "It has been too long since we've seen each other and yes I know that's my fault."
"Not entirely your fault," he offered.
"We should be able to be friendly," I said. "I mean we used to be friends. It shouldn't be this hard."
"We were more than friends," he said softly. "That's why it's so hard."
I nodded. It was true. He had been my first love and I was sure I was his. I shared things with him that I've never told Abby or Josh or even Rick. He used to know me better than I knew myself. Judging by the way his eyes looked into mine, maybe he still did?
"Well, maybe we should try to be friends?" I said after a minute.
"Yeah," he said looking down at his feet. "I'd be open to that."
We went back to the table.
"Everything okay?" Josh asked looking at us curiously.
"Yeah we talked," I said. "We're gonna try to be friends."
"Good," he said smiling. "That's what I like to hear."
Drake forced a smile and we finished eating.
"So what do you guys say to some brews and a fire on the beach?" Josh asked as we headed to the car.
"I probably should get home," Drake said. "I gotta meet with my lawyer in the morning."
"Oh right," Josh said.
"But we could tomorrow?" Drake said quickly. "After all of this is taken care of. If that's alright with you?"
He looked over at me.
"I'd like that," I smiled. "A good send off."
"Great!" Josh said as we got back into the car. Drake rode in the backseat with me this time since they would be dropping him off first.
"I meant what I said earlier," Drake said softly. "I really have missed you."
I nodded, "I've missed you too. I'm glad we were able to talk and be friends again."
He half smiled, "Yeah friends."
Neither of us said anything else. I didn't know what to say.
We dropped him off and said quick goodbyes before driving off again.
"He never quite got over it," Abby said after a minute.
"Abby!" Josh said. "It isn't our place."
"No," she said, shaking her head. "She deserves to have all the facts."
"What are you guys talking about?" I asked.
Josh sighed, "I guess you're probably right."
"I know I am," she said then turned back to look at me. "He flew out to New York ya know?"
"What?" I asked. "When?"
"About a year after you left," she said. "He asked for your address, said he was gonna surprise you and try getting you back."
"He didn't do that!" I argued, shaking my head.
"Yes he did," Josh said.
"He never showed up at my apartment," I said.
"No," Josh said. "He said he saw you with friends and you seemed happy and he lost his nerve. He didn't want to mess up your life."
"Why are you telling me all of this now?" I asked. "I'm getting married in two weeks! Did you think you'd just tell me this and I would leave my fiancé and go running back to Drake? I fought hard to save that relationship. It went nowhere."
"No, we know," Abby said. "Just thought maybe if you knew you'd understand a little better why he's been acting the way he has been."

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