Chapter 1

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I sat huddled in the corner of my room crying. I usually have pretty bad days, but today is even worse than when Sans gave me a B A D T I M E. Today it seems like everyone had enough of me at school and, like usual, i can't take it.

Earlier that morning

"FRISK! For the last time please wake up!" Toriel yelled at my door with a hint of aggravation in her voice. That said hint being the main reason i jumped out of bed.

"Sorry Mom." I said with an apologetic smile.

She gave me an odd look before saying, "Hurry up and get ready." and walking away.

I watched her walk away with guilt taking over me.

'You stupid child! Look at what you have done now! You're useless, you can't even make your Mom proud. Hell, you couldn't even make your old mom proud.' I said to myself as I got my self ready for school. I was up all night thanks to a nightmare reminding me of everything I'd done during the genocide route.

I missed breakfast but was still able to catch a ride with Toriel who continued to give me a weird look.

When we finally got to school, Mom and I said our goodbyes as we headed to our respective classrooms, she being a teacher and I being a student.

As I walked to my classroom, I silently counted to ten to harden myself for the usual onslaught of insults that surrounded me in the morning.

"Good morning Frisk. Nice to see you decided to be on time today" my teacher, Ms. Linda said as she sneered at me. I've never been late or tardy to her class, so I looked at her confusingly.

"Don't act so confused you little brat! You know exactly what I mean."

I actually didn't but held my head down instead of trying to figure it out.

'Look guys, it's the monster-lover. I heard she dated all her friends. What a whore. What was she thinking bringing them here?
I wish she was dead." I jumped up at the last insult. I'm used to the teasing and misgendering, but those really mean insults always get to me.

Ms. Linda, of course, let them continue to insult me. When the bell for the end of the school day ended, I ran to my mom's car.

The ride back home was quiet since both me and Mom was tired. When we arrived, I walked into my house and ran to my room. I locked it and began to cry hard.


I'm so useless. If I'm getting this much grief over saving the monsters, just imagine how much the momsters are getting.

What have I done? In my childish naïvity am I hurting the monsters more than I can help them? All because I feel regret over when Chara took control of me during the genocide route? Because, just like back then, I am extremely weak?

Crying, I walked over to my Cds and picked up my Three Days Grace Cd. I took out a razor from the Cd booklet and pulled up my sleeves. My arms were covered in scars old and new. Some were even still slightly bleed. Paying them no mind, I took the razor and made five new marks on my skin, each deeper than the last. I watched my arm bleed for a moment before I heard my Mom call out, "Frisk! Sans and Papyrus are here for dinner!" Sighing, I hurriedly cover my arms and ran down stairs with a fake smile on my face.

I waved to the skelebros and answered their questions, lying when needed, when they asked about my day. Sans kept giving me an odd look, however, so I kept trying to avoid eye contact with him and being alone with him. Of course, the odds are never in my favor so when Mom offered for Sans and Papyrus to stay the night, I knew something was going to happen.

That night, when everyone went to bed, I wait till I was sure everyone was asleep and began to cry again. I just felt so awful today. All I can think about was how I killed all my friends and how I probably made their life worse by bringing them here. I picked up my razor off the floor, I forgot to put it up when Toriel called me for dinner, and once again began to cut. However, I accidentally went to deep one time and let out a small yell.

I covered my mouth and hoped that none heard me and quickly made my way to the bathroom only to run into the main person I was hoping to avoid. "Hey Sans." I said with a shaky voice.

"Hey kiddo. You okay? I heard you yell not to long ago." Sans said.

"I'm fine." I said hold my arm away hoping he didn't notice. "I just had a bad dream." I lied.

"What's wrong with your arm?" Sans said as he grabbed my arm, only for his eyes to widen and go black. "Hey kid, what did you do to your arm?"

I snatched my arm away and ran to the bathroom, locking to door while crying.

"Kid? Open this door!" Sans whispered loudly as to not wake up the other people in the house. When I refused to open the door I heard Sans mumble shit and I saw a glow of blue magic before the door unlocked. When Sans walked in I could practically see his face go a deathly white (no pun intended).

"Kid, Frisk, what have you done?" Sans said as he pulled out a first aid kit from thin air and quietly began working on my arm. As he took me to the sink and washed off my arms and dried them off, he sat me down and pulled out some hydrogen peroxide.

"Frisk, this is going to hurt." he said as he poured the hydrogen peroxide on my cuts. I stopped breathing as the burning ran up and down my arms. Tears ran down my face faster and when the burning stopped, I looked over to Sans to see he was fixing up the first aid kit when suddenly he turned around and asked, "Frisk, what the hell were you thinking?"

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