Chapter 4

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Sans POV

I walked towards Frisk's high school, something high, I never really remembered the name of it. Everyone who saw me scurried away as fast as possible, and I knew it wasn't just because I am a monster. I'm positive that if my face is showing the anger I am feeling right now, My eyes are bottomless, and I still have my signature smile, yet, I pretty sure anyone can see the murderous intent on my face. 

After I made my way into the school, I made my way to the principals office where I asked to to have a visitors pass to the kids teacher classroom. The secretary looked like she wanted to refuse me a pass but after seeing the look on my face she quickly changed her mind. I got the pass from her and tok a shortcut to the kids classroom. Screw politeness, me randomly appearing in their room will be the last thing they'll need to worry about. 

Speaking of randomly appearing, I was in the kids classroom looking around. No one noticed me, they were all too busy holding petty conversations about people. 

'Score' I thought with a malicious grin on my face and fire in my eye. In less then a second, I had everyone in the room's soul out and had them floating in the air. To say they didn't take that nicely is an understatement. These kids are very colorful with their language. Some of these words i didn't even know EXIST. I watched them float and scream for a bit until one buy one they notice me standing in the back of the classroom. A hush fell across the room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" one of the kids yelled. "You're a monster, a FREAK, your not supposed to be here."

I laughed and replied, "I'm a monster? I'm more humane than anyone in this room. At least I never physically or mentally hurt one of my own. Which is why I am here. I heard that you little fucks are messing with Frisk. To be quite frank, I don't enjoy, nor condone you're bullshit, so if you would so kindly stop,"

"Stop?" The kid who spoke to me before interrupted. "You want me to stop teasing the monster lover? I'll stop when she leaves this school. THIS is a school for humans, not for monster loving freaks like her."

I pulled him towards me while keeping everyone else in the air. " Now listen here you little shit," I growled "I'm not going to sit here and listen to you disrespect Frisk. So I'm going to use you as an example."

"Y-you can't hurt me, they'll make you go back underground for sure." The kid stammered out.

"That might be true, but as with any law there is always a way around it. I'm not going to put my hands on you, I'm not even going to hurt you. Instead, I'm going to make you so ashamed of your life, your going to contemplate you own existence.

"Now, as I was saying, this boy is my example. And I want all of you to pay attention. Please don't interrupt me at any time in fact," I said as a hotcat appeared in everyone's mouth to keep them from speaking "I'm just gonna leave these here for the time being. Now take a look at me, I'm a skeleton, no meat on my bones at all. I'm known for my magnificent skele-ton of jokes, and its common knowledge I'm probably the weakest monster you would meet but I respect my people, my peers, and my friends. I respect those who hate me, cause I know the day will come to where they'll ask for forgiveness. But what they don't know is that I already forgive them.

"But you see this sack of shit on the side of me? He is the exact opposite almost. He might be funny, he might be respectful to his friends and parents but that's it. At the end of the day he's just a bully who take joy in seeing other people suffer. And honestly, thats my opinion of a monster."

I looked around and saw that every one in the room still had one of shock, disgust, and fear. I sighed and put everyone to the ground watching as my example ran to his friends in the back of the class

"Judging from the look on your faces you all look REALLY pissed off. Seems like not even one my talks was able to get into any of you. Hmm, that's a shame I was trying to do this peacefully but it seems you simpleminded humans don't know what peace means.

"Take these as my parting words. Look outside, its beautiful isn't it? The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, on days like these, people like you should be burning in hell. But, I said I wasn't going to hurt anyone here and I am a skeleton of my word. So, just know if I hear about Frisk being teased or mistreated in anyway, well, have you ever felt you molecules leave you one by one?". With that, I turned and took a shortcut in front of my house.

I walked in and saw Frisk asleep under the protection of my jacket. Tori allowed her to stay home after seeing how exhausted she was and I offered to watch her until Tori finished teaching for the day. Speaking of, I'm glad she didn't catch me at the school, though I know when she come to pick up Frisk I'm going to be getting a ear full.

Sighing, I sat down in the chair next to the sofa where Frisk slept and closed my eyes. It was only twelve and Pap doesn't come back from training with Undyne until later and Tori gets off at four, so I had about four hours to nap. Knowing that when I woke up I was probably going to get dunked on, I feel asleep almost immediately.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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