Chapter 2

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"Frisk, this is going to hurt." Sans said as he poured the hydrogen peroxide on my cuts. I stopped breathing as the burning ran up and down my arms. Tears ran down my face faster and when the burning stopped, I looked over to Sans to see he was fixing up the first aid kit when suddenly he turned around and asked, "Frisk, what the hell were you thinking?"

I looked down at my bandaged arms and refused to speak. I didn't want to talk about this. Not now, not ever. Sans must have sensed this cause suddenly, he blurted out, "Secret for a secret?"

I looked at him with a face of confusion and watched him lean against the sink.

"Since you apparently don't want to tell me why you mutilated your arms, I'm offering to tell you why I am how I am if you tell me why you do what you do." Sans said looking at me with a serious expression.

I thought about and realized one way he was gonna get it out of me sooner or later so, I nodded my head in agreement.

Sighing, Sans looked at me with empty eyes. "Anything said in this room will not leave. Got it kiddo?"

I nodded and Sans sighed again. "I don't know why, but I feel like you already know all of this stuff. In fact, I feel as if your the main cause of it. No offense. It all started when you came. I feel like I'm living my life over and over again from the point where you first fell into the Underground. So I gave up. Whats the point in doing something if it's just going to have to be done all over again?

"Sometimes, I can't just sit there and watch things happen. Especially in timelines where a certain human decides to kill my family and friends." With a pointed glance at me, Sans continued his story.

"Of course, it was worthless since I ended up being killed anyway. It just proved my theory. Just give up. Now, your turn kiddo."

I gulped and looked at Sans with tears in my eyes. I knew he hated me. Maybe, just maybe if I explained what happened to him, he'll understand.

"When I first fell down the hole I was only trying to get out of here. I didn't kill. I saved everyone, except Flowey killed Asgore. I then went on to fight him when I went to reload my SAVE, but he had deleted it and I had to fight him to get control back. I lost my SAVE, but i spared him in the process. I redid it all again, I killed no one, and I got my true happy ending. For a while, I was happy. Then something happened. Someone kept telling me to reset. In my head they will tell me all the perks of resetting. They told me I can save Asriel. So, I did. But, I-i wasn't in control. I was as this person relentlessly killed all my friends, killed everyone I loved. It was only at the end I learned their name. Chara. Chara killed everyone. And all I could do was sit back and watch. Then, when everything was over, she gave me the choice of either giving her my soul or staying in the dark. Instead, I fought.Eventually, I won, but I couldn't forget. So this time I made sure not to kill. I made sure to befriend everyone. But, I can't forget how useless I was and still am. I see how you and Toriel look at me. You two remember. Y'all remember how evil I was. I'm useless. I wish I was dead so I can save you too the suffering of seeing me everyday. It's not like I can do anything about it. Unless I die naturally, I'll be forced to resume or reset. So I take my pain out with more pain. Only this pain I can control."

When I was done, I began crying again as I remembered everything. Surprisingly, I felt a bony figure hug me and tell me to let it all out. So I did.


I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up I was on my bed with something warm on me that oddly smelt like ketchup. I opened my eyes and blushed when I saw it was Sans' jacket.

I was about to take it off but changed my mind at last minute. I walked out of my room into the kitchen and saw Toriel making breakfast.

"Morning, Frisk. I heard you had a nightmare last night?" Mom asked as she cooked.

'Nightmare? I guess that's what Sans told her.' I thought. "Yes ma'am." I said aloud.

"Sans told me you had a nightmare so he held you till you slept. When he went to leave, you didn't let go of him so he had to take off his jacket so he could leave." Mom said with a small smile.

I blushed again and began to eat the plate of food Mom put in front of me.

"Frisk?" Toriel said quietly "I am sorry if in any way you feel like I am treating you different. It is just that lately, you have been secluded and quiet. I know you have been having nightmares but since you didn't come to me I just assumed you were OK. But yesterday, when you finally got up and I saw your face, you looked like you haven't slept correctly in months.

"Now, you don't have to tell me how you feel right now, but I want you to know that I am always here for you if needed."

Tears prickled in my eyes after I hear Mom say that. All this time I though she was looking a me like that because she hated me but instead, she was looking at me like that because she was worried. I gave her a grateful smile and signed 'Thanks, Mom.' To her since not only was my mouth full, but I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be able to speak.

Mom and I continued to eat our breakfast in peace when Sans suddenly appeared in the kitchen. He was noticeably missing his signature jacket. "Sup?" He said as a greeting.

"Sans! What did I tell you about using your shortcuts to get into the house! We have a door and a doorbell for a reason!" Toriel said holding her chest.

"Sorry, Tori but you have to admit that you a-door my random appearances in your house." Sans said with a smirk

I groaned at the pun and signed to Sans 'Why are you here?' Sans smiled and said "Taking you out today kiddo. We got some things to talk about. When you finish eating you food go ahead and get dressed. I'll be here."

I finished my food and made my way to my room changing into my normal clothes and putting Sans jacket in my arms. I made my way back downstairs and tried to give Sans back his jacket, to which he replied 'You keep it for now, you need it more than I do.'

I put the jacket back on and waved to Toriel as Sans and I made our way to where ever he was taking me.

"Hey kid, I gotta tell you something. I'm sorry about last night. I'm sorry I blatantly accused you for everything that's happened to me. While some of it is your fault," I flinched "apparently there where other things controlling what you did. I just have one question. How do you know who Chara and Asriel is?"

I gulped and sighed. "There was this flower named Flowey. He is the first person I would meet whenever I fell into the Underground no matter what happens. He is a constant in all my timelines. Kind of like you. During the Genocide run, before I got to the Hall of Judgement, I would go through some sort of house that looked like the Ruins. During my walk Flowey would tell me his story. Then I would get to you and we'll you know what happens. When I killed Asgore, I was thrusted to this black room where a human named Chara talked to me. I tried to save the world when she gave me the choice, but she killed me. When I finally built up enough strength to fight her, I fought her and won. Then, I had reset the world. Like I said before, I refused to kill and I befriended everyone. It was during that timeline I found out Flowey is Asriel. But, I can't save him, I couldn't save him. He needed souls to stay in his human form. In his human form he could feel. As a flower, he couldn't. So, he decided to stay in the Underground and live as a flower for the rest of his days."

Sans was quiet for a moment before saying "I remember, during this timeline, before we left you had fought Flowey. I thought I saw Asriel but I thought that I was mistaken. And Chara, that sounds like her alright. I'm sorry kid for all of this."

I told him it was OK and he nodded then told me to hold his hand. "I'm bout to take you somewhere." I nodded and took his hand just as we went through one of his short cuts.

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