Chapter 2: the kiss

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~Emily's p.o.v~
When I saw that Harlow was kissing Alexia I was so mad I wanted to punch him. Then I saw something out that he will never live down. I found out that when he was kissing her I saw that she was looking at me then the next thing I saw was just AMAZING I saw that she took his wallet and found a condom that was USED. After Lilo and Crystal were done talking to him I went up to him. I said "Who did you have sex with?!?" He responded "no one baby your the only one for me I swear." "Mhm then what's with the used condom in your wallet?" I said with a smirk he looked at me and walked away.

~Harold's p.o.v~
After second period Melissa pulled me into the janitors closet and asked me "Do you have any protection." Being the guy who is dating the pastors daughter I said "Hell yeah I do." After that I went to third period and acted like it was nothing since it was my first time and all I didn't want Emily to find out so of course I hid the used condom in my wallet. At lunch Alexia pulled me over to her table and started to kiss me. Why are all these girls all over me?!?! But I was okay with it anyways then Lilo and Crystal walked over to us and started to yell at me. Then of course Emily walked over to me and asked "Who did you have sex with?!?!" So I replied "No one baby your the only one for me I swear." Then she said that she saw t b E used condom in my wallet... how did she see it?!?
~Lilo's p.o.v~

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