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It's not like it was a dreary day in the small town of Winchester, it was just a little cloudy but that didn't stop the town from doing their errands and taking their children to school. People were going to work, going to the grocery store, waving hello to their neighbors-- it was all good fun.

Everything was exactly the same as it always had been... including the house on the hill. It was the only house on Windsor Lane and was, dare say, the biggest house in all of Winchester. But it wasn't the same as the other houses. It wasn't alive with crying babies and the aroma of apple pie coming from the kitchen. It was a dusty house with cobwebs, mice, and a large overgrown lawn. It was a strange house and anyone who had half a brain knew that it was a house for an important person.

The town of Winchester were known to frown upon the poor house as if it had murdered the neighborhood with its overgrowing weeds and poor upkeep. What kept the house even more curious than it already was, was the large yellow tape that crossed the faded, red, front door which read: CAUTION.

It was curious indeed that a quaint little town had a house like that.

There was a day, several years before this day, mind you, that people tried to not look back on. It was the day that the young, sweet family named Darnell disappeared. No, they didn't get up and leave, they disappeared. The town was in astonish, not believing that their beloved mayor and his family were gone, even while every single thing they owned sat in their house, exactly as they should've.

You see, it was all over the news all across the country. People were baffled, including their close family and friends. The police spent two years trying to figure out what happened to the Darnell family. In the end, however, the case remained unsolved.

Now we come back to this semi-cloudy day. The day that the rotten, weed-growing, mice infested house gets sold. By someone named Kate.

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