[part one]

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[October 18th, 2018]

True pain was something I had never experienced before. Not when I had a car wreak as a teenager, nor when I broke my arm skating. Until now.

I was terrified to move my aching body for fear something would snap off. As I consciousness came through, I only felt one thing. Fear. I couldn't move my body, I couldn't scream for help. I was just in the dark, waiting.


Time passed on as I laid there. That was one thing I was sure of, that I was laying down, outside. I could hear the birds chirping and the wind blow over what I could feel of my body, which gave me a sense of piece that the rest of my body was still there. I was sure that if I tried, I could open my eyes. I tried, and so they did. I could almost bitterly laugh at how painful it was push my eyelids open, only to have the blindingly, bright sun stare back. I squinted and wiggled my fingers; I was coming back to life. My toes wiggled and soon I was able to fully take in my surroundings, moving my head to do so.

Plainly, I was in a forrest. Trees were all around me and above me, shading parts of my legs. Leaves were falling, but many still stuck to the trees. I groaned hoarsely as my brain's wheels started turning. I brought my aching body to a sitting position. Why was I in a forrest? My breath quickened as I felt a rush of terror. I thought back to my last memory.




I gasped with realization that I had driven off the cliff, but this only created more questions I couldn't answer. There was snow on the ground that day and it was freezing, how has the weather changed so fast? I scanned my body for injuries, patting my legs and arms. Nothing. Only a lingering, odd, aching feeling. Overall, I felt weird. While checking for injuries, I stared at my clothes. Clothes that I had never seen before. Shivers ran all over my body as I rubbed the black pants and the Rolling Stones soft t-shirt.  My feet were bare and dirty. And... my hair was long. I had just cut it the day before.

This is weird. This is weird. This is weird.

I ran through calculations in my head, not understanding at all. I came to the conclusion that in order to find out anything I had to walk. Where? Where do I go? Those questions left my mind in a rut. Pick a direction. So I did. I stood up, wobbly and slightly nauseous, and walked to my left. No cars rushing around me anywhere, no running streams anywhere, just me and my bare feet crunching the yellow leaves on the ground. I was alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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