Cakes (Bakugou Katsuki X Midoriya Izuku) [IV]

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"Guys look what i found!!!" A cheery Uraraka shouted gleefully waving a piece of paper. "What's that?" Yaorozu asked. "It's a all-you-can-eat cake buffet at the new bakery next to Yuuei!!" The class stood up at the 'buffet' word. "Well then what are we waiting for?! Let's go!!!" A certain human pikachu shouted.

But the happy atmosphere is intruded by Aizawa-sensei who's walking in to the class. "Don't you lot remember it's still school hour? I'm not going to let you guys skip, now go change into your jumpsuits." Everybody scurried away but still excited for the upcoming end of the day.

*Time Skip After School~* [i think i really like typing this time skip XD]

"Deku-kun! Which one do you want to eat?!" Izuku sweat dropped as he looked at his classmates ravaging the whole table that once full of assorted cakes, poor employees have to make more again for other customers. Good thing that he already grabbed a few cakes before his friends. "I already have mine uraraka-chan."

He sat at his class' corner as they enjoyed their desserts. Todoroki sat beside the smaller male with Katsuki across him, and Iida on the other side of Izuku. Todoroki's eyes twinkled brightly as he ate a piece of his chocolate lava cake, Iida ate his matcha pudding with etiquette, Bakugou silently munching his dark choco tart. Izuku smiled as he cut a small piece of his strawberry shortcake.

"Mmm! This is really good~" Izuku's face held pure bliss as he tasted the sweet cream and juicy strawberry. He looked so adorable with a few cream left on the corner of his mouth, Katsuki who's drinking water had his jaw dropped at the cute sight that he forgot to drink the water. "OI!! BAKUGOU! SNAP OUT OF IT!!" Kaminari shook Katsuki as he tried to get the tranced male to snap out of his fantasies that is pretty much R-18+ [LOL sorry]

'Grrrr, shitty nerd! Why the fuck is he so adorable?!' He mentally blown up an image of Deku before more popped in his head. After the class finished their food and paid, they all went on their separate ways to go home. "Ah~ That was so good, right Kacchan?" Izuku smiled brightly at his childhood buddy but the other just silently walked ahead like the gangsters he is. "Kacchan! Wait for me!" Izuku ran to catch up but before he can stop he tripped because of his clumsiness. 'Oh no this gonna leave a big bruise!' He didn't have enough time to catch himself, shutting his eyes awaiting the impact but he felt a pair of strong arms caught him.

His gaze met a pair of ruby eyes that glared at him. "Watch where your going Deku...." "A-Arigatou Kacchan!" His face now looks like a strawberry he ate before as he stand straight up. Katsuki felt disappointed as Deku's warmth left his arms, but masked with his usual (btch fac-shot) poker face. "Hurry up stupid shit....." The blonde male murmured before taking Izuku's hand pulling towards their neighborhood.

Izuku's face turns even more red than before as he stared at their connected hands, 'It's been so long Kacchan hold my hands, last time was before his quirk manifested.' His eyes turned sad before shaking his head. 'No! It already happens! Kacchan is still Kacchan! He's my first friend, the cheerful boy who lighten up my world!' What he didn't know that his feelings for Katsuki is more than just an admiration.

"Oi freak, stop mumbling shit like chanting some weird ass shitty mantra." The hot-headed blonde flicked Izuku's forehead. "Oww! That hurts Kacchan...." He pouted. 'Damn it! Why does he look so fucking cute while pouting those luscious lips!' Katsuki growled mentally. "Kacchan? Daijoubu? Are you getting sick?" Izuku placed his forehead on the other male's causing the latter's blood rushed to his face. 'Shit! His face is really fucking close! Just a little bit more....' The blonde unknowingly leaned in until he lip-locked with the frozen Izuku at the sudden bold move.

'KACCHAN?!!!' He stood still as they parted from the kiss. The shy boy pulled the usual rowdy male's sleeve catching his attention. "Kacchan..... Do you like me?" He softly asked looking up at him, looking so hopeful in Katsuki's eyes. "Dammit Deku.... You just have to do this to me..." He growled lowly tousling his own hair. "Yeah I really like you Deku, so now your mine. Get it?" He possessively said before stealing another kiss from the now astonished Izuku.


"Ne Kacchan? Since when did you starting to like me?" Izuku asked as they walked home linking their hands together like the couple they are. "Since you once fought me even though you're quirkless back then." He answered like it's an everyday question. "EEEHHH?!!!" He shrieked not expecting that answer. "Well especially that crying face of yours, it makes me want to bully and ravish you at the same time." Katsuki bluntly said making Izuku fainted at the spot.

"OI DEKU!!!"

And that's how you make little Deku faint. LOL JK
I think this one is a bit short since the ending is a bit rushed =="

See You Later~

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