Camping (Bakugou Katsuki X Midoriya Izuku) (Quirkless AU) [V]

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3rd P.O.V

Class 1-A of Yuuei Academy are waiting for their lazy teacher, Aizawa-sensei, to check their attendance. "Okay, since everyone's here get on to the bus." He instructed as the students chatted amongst themselves excited for their camping. "Ne Deku-kun, you look very excited." Uraraka pointed out at the obvious giddy male. "Un! I get to camp with the class since my mom didn't really allow me to at junior high." He sheepishly scratched his cheek a bit embarrassed. "Aw it's okay~ We're going to have lots of fun! Right Iida-kun?" Uraraka nudged the serious male earning a nod.

"Oi you three hurry up or the bus will leave you." Aizawa-sensei called them before they scurried into the huge bus, as expected from Yuuei Academy. All the seats are almost full as they searched for empty places. They found a seat beside a sleeping Katsuki, haven't decided who'll sit there. "Deku-kun! You can sit with Bakugou-kun! Me and Iida will sit over there!" Uraraka pointed to the back. "But to avoid any-" "Now now Iida-kun, just follow me~" Iida shivered at the unusual tone from the smiling girl before nodding hesitantly. Uraraka threw a thumbs up to the clueless freckles boy and dragged the bespectacled boy to their seat.

Izuku slowly sat on his seat beside Katsuki not wanting to disturb his fellow friend. He zipped open his bag and pulls out a magazine featuring his idol, All Might. While the skinny boy immersed himself into his reading, his bus-seat-mate slowly woke up from his small nap and noticed the addition presence beside him. 'Wtf? Why's this shitty nerd sitting beside me?' But either too sleepy or just don't give a fuck, he went back to his nap. The bus soon stopped at a huge villa with a sign 'Yuuei Property, Villa #016'

Aizawa-sensei called each name to make sure no one's left behind or sneak out. All of them walked into the spacious villa with Japanese themed interior. "Girls will be on the first floor, while the boys will be on the second floor. Go put your luggage and wear your training clothes." All the students wordlessly nodded and put their baggage in their respective huge room. The tatami floored room was spacious with AC and plasma TV on one-side, wooden-sliding door which led to the balcony with beautiful scenery, applied for both rooms. They quickly put on their training clothes before racing off to see their sleepy teacher dozing off on the wide backyard. Iida woke him up and they started their activities for the day.

*Time skip since idk what to write*

Izuku's P.O.V

"Man that was tiring." Kaminari said wiping his sweat away. We had to do some extreme exercises that Aizawa-sensei said made by All Might himself. At first we're skeptical but with one glare from our usually laid back teacher we ran off. "You lots go take a bath, it stinks around here." Sensei sauntered off somewhere and we went to the separate onsen that Yuuei have in this villa. When we're undressing, Kaminari  and Kirishima goofed off along with Kacchan, Iida scolded them but fell into deaf ears, while the rest off us undressed quickly.

"YAHHOOOO!!!" Kirishima shouted as he jumped into the onsen with Kaminari towing behind. "You guys! Stop messing around!" Iida scolded but the two troublemaker just swam in the hot pool. Mineta started to go to the wooden fence that separates the girls bath wanting to peek at them, I tried stopping him but it's taken care since a wooden bucket was thrown from the girls side hitting Mineta on the head. The rest of us just shook our heads and went into the hot bath. "Ahhh, this is nice..." I groaned as my muscles slowly relaxed in the hot water. Todoroki started a conversation with me, unknowingly making a certain blonde jealous.

3rd P.O.V

"OI KATSUKI! YOUR PLACE IS BOILING!" Kirishima jumped out since he's near the fuming boy. Katsuki had an abnormal high temperature which sometimes ended up with him melting his ice cream faster, or his iced water became lukewarm. It's strongly entwined with his emotion, like now. "Shut up muscle freak!" He barked before getting out of the bath and slamming the glass door loudly. "Kacchan...." Izuku mumbled a bit confused why his childhood friend suddenly became snappy. All of the guys chatted with each other, finishing their bath and dressed up for bed, soon went to their designated room.

Apparently all the futons (japanese rolled up bed) have been laid out already, the rowdy boys went ahead claiming their own bed first. "This is mine!" Kirishima proclaimed plopping on his futon. "Well then, I'll be taking this spot." Iida taking the one nearest to the door. The others picking the still available beds, leaving poor Izuku taking the second nearest to the window. On his right, there's still an empty one. The sliding door slammed open by a familiar blonde sipping on a juice box. "What the fuck? You bastards have taken all the good spots!" He angrily shouted which made Mineta plugs his ears with his own earplugs. "Just take anywhere else, it's just sleeping on a futon." Todoroki calmly said while getting ready for bed. He's used to futon since his own house is Japanese style.

"Tch." The angry blonde stomped searching for an empty bed until spotting an empty one next to his childhood friend. He felt his heart beat faster as he approached his spot to sleep. "Ah Kacchan, where did you go?" Izuku asked spotting the red eyed male. "Why do you fucking care?!" He rudely snapped making the other flinched in fright. "S-sorry Kacchan..." The soft hearted boy murmured sadly making Katsuki's heart twinges in guilt. He said nothing as he went into his own futon while the others also do the same since they're all tired.

"Neighboring with this fucking nerd is the worst." Katsuki thought before slowly drifting into sleep.

*Next day*

"Oi oi are you serious?!" "Hurry take a picture!" "Cameras!" "Is this for real?!" "Hurry up before Bakugou wakes up and lose it!" Voices can be heard as Izuku slowly woke up. "Huh? I can't move my body. What am I holding? It's warm..." He thought slowly regaining his sight. An arm draped over his body while he clutched the other one, holding him like a lover. He slowly blushed as he realized whose arms belong to.

Let's just say a pissed off blonde with a tomato face woke up with a cute embarrassed cinnamon bun in his arms and his classmates including the girls either giggling or smirking at them. Aizawa-sensei? Still sleeping like a log in his room.

Sorry for the slow update and short chapter!
I don't really know how to write to make it connected to the pic.
Thank you for reading this book!
And wait for the next chapter!

See you later~

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