Part 6

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I'm panicked about Scarlett. That was my stage she collapsed on. That was my boyfriend she was clinging to.

I know you've got everyone around here fooled but I've known you for 20 years and I know for a fact that you always cares more about what the world thinks of you rather than the actual people involved.
-Beverly [to Rayna]

I told you she couldn't handle this, I told you it would crush her.

You think I wanted it like this? I wanted to be your wife. I wanted us to raise her up together in a wonderful loving home that you could not provide. I cried myself to sleep about that for a year, I wanted it so bad.
-Rayna [to Deacon]

Turns out hooking up with a married man isn't the worst thing you can do.

I can't help it. Every second I spend with her feels like a lie and I don't like pretending that it's not.

You, me, and Teddy; one big, happy family.
-Deacon [to Rayna]

Deacon: Why the hell are you here?
Rayna: Because the entire world knows about our daughter

A statement's not gonna be enough. Not in this day and age, not now with the internet and this 24-hour news cycle.

Well you know as a guy, there's no such thing as too slutty, so it's good.

Glenn: Looks like the tabloids finally have something other than you to talk about.
Juliette: She's a kid, I'd rather them talk about me.

Juliette: I do, I do trust you, which scares me even more. You have my heart, you're capable of destroying me.
Avery: I would never do that.

She [Rayna] and me, I don't even know what we are, okay, but I know that I don't want her like this. Feeling sorry for me. Taking care of me. That's all she's ever done, all right. I want to be the one to take care of her, and I can't do it right now because I'm sick.

I love you [Deacon]. I've loved you since the first time I ever laid eyes on you. The first time I ever heard you play a note on the guitar. First time I ever heard you laugh. And even through all the hell we put each other through, I love you now.

Avery: You've barely made room for any of my stuff.
Juliette: I cleared out three shelves for you in my closet.
Avery: Three shelves. Juliette, it's a 400-square foot closet. Look, we're married now. That means this needs to be our house with our things.
Juliette: It is!
Avery: Well me and my three shelves are feeling a lot like guests right now.

Luke: I mean, hell, before me you were mortgaged to the hilt, saddled with an album that wasn't commercial, I mean persona non grata on country radio... But now look at you. You got a platinum album, a sold out tour, and all those CMA awards. I mean now that you got your six statues, I guess you don't needs my seven carats. You can keep the damn ring by the way.
Rayna: Well if that's how you feel about it, guess I dodged a bullet, didn't I?

Will: Hey, how you feeling?
Layla: I tried to kill myself and couldn't even get that right. How do you think I'm doing?

Rayna: It's me, it's who I've always been. It's who I need to be.
Luke: I love you Rayna.
Rayna: I love you too, and I can't make you a casualty of my life. You don't deserve that.

I just want to make sure it's my life I'm living.

All this flirting. All this texting. Whatever else it is you guys [Jeff and Layla] are doing has made this "thing" real in her head. So whatever you got to say to convince her to go with me I suggest you say it, tonight.


Avery: What are we gonna tell her... about us?
Juliette: We'll tell her she came from a place of love, and her parents became great friends.

Deacon: I know now why I got so upset about that article. It's because it was true. Everything you said in that article is true. I've never been able to let go of you. I didn't let go when you married Teddy. I haven't let go after all these years. I'm not letting you go now. So you were right. I have to ask myself why. Why am I not letting go?
Rayna: Why won't you?
Deacon: Because I love you. That's it. It's easy. I always have and you're gonna have to just deal with the fact that that aint gonna change.

Layla: If only everybody didn't see me as the girl curious about robot voices.
Jeff: I don't. At least not anymore.

I've made a lot of mistakes for someone my age, but you know I can't really regret them because without them I wouldn't ... All I know is that I've finally found what I want to say with my music, and I just want to be on a label that lets me be me.

Juliette: Glenn finally warms Anna Wintour up to the idea of me, and I'm wearing a tent!?
Emily: Correction, a designer tent.

Rayna: Well you [Mr. Benton] may not be aware that she [Layla] is also underage and very recently overdosed on pills and almost drowned in Jeff Fordham's pool.
Jeff: Mr. Benton, I...
Rayna: You coerced my ex husband so you could cover up the incident, but I'm not gonna sit here and watch while he treats his female artists like this, and I sure as hell don't want my daughter having anything to do with it.

Luke: I have to say it felt great to write that song.
Gunnar: Yeah.
Luke: You should try writing one of your own. Your first love sleeps with your brother. Gunnar, it doesn't get anymore country than that.

Will: How much y'all had to drink?
Luke: A lot. You know, we can use him as a wingman on a tail-hunting expedition. What y'all say to a boys night out?
Gunnar: Well I would if it were night.
Luke: Well that is the great thing about Nashville is it is always dark somewhere.

Rayna: Are you thinking this is just going to make you the cool Dad or do you really think this is a good idea?
Teddy: Yes I do, and I have every right to make decisions regarding my daughter's life?
Rayna: Not if I can help it you don't.

Scarlett: Say hi to Maddie for me.
Deacon: Why's she 'Facetiming' me now?
Scarlett: 'Cause you're her dad, and she wants time with your face.

I don't think the good people of Nashville would take kindly to the Mayor's salary being used to pay for sex.

I know I can fight this cancer, but I don't know if I can beat it. See the thing is, if I lose...uh there was a time when that wouldn't have mattered that much, but it does now. I got a daughter, and I got a niece, and I got...I got a lot of people I care about. They care about me, and when I think about not being there for them...You talk about feeling powerless. This is a powerlessness at a level that damn near overwhelms me. Truth is I'm terrified.

There's no doubt in my mind that having this baby is just going to give you [Juliette] more to say.

Uh, touch my caramels and Imma cut a bitch. Love you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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