Part 5

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The difference is I'm a grown up and that girl is a kid. A very fragile kid.

Rayna [about Scarlett]

I loved the woman I thought I knew. I never would've married this. Or done what I did.


No, I don't want tea, I want you to talk. If anybody understands how complicated your relationship was with Lamar it's me, OK, I was there.


Well, life's too short to hold on to resentment. It's toxic, isn't that what you told me?


You never wanna stay too long at a pity party, you know.

Deacon [to Juliette]

Did you try to murder the father or my children?

Rayna [to Lamar]

As far as I am concern both of my parents are dead!

Rayna [To Lamar]

It turns out I hate being invisible more than I hate being alone.


You know just because you close your eyes, doesn't mean you're invisible.

Avery [to Juliette]

Look I know things have been strange lately, but it's over. I know what I want and I'm not gonna let anybody get in my way.

Will [to Gunnar]

You're the only one who can change the conversation.

Avery [to Juliette]

Are you some kind of tragedy junkie or something? Is that what it is? No, no that's it right? That's why you're with me. I'm this hot-headed alchy that you seduced to fulfill your savior complex.


Juliette: I'm quittin everything.

Emily: Before everyone quits you?

Ask your sister why she didn't testify on your father's behalf. Ask her what your father's capable of because she knows better than anybody.


It's not fun being Juliette Barnes anymore.


I may have just burnt the house down but I made damn sure you were in it when I lit the match.


Well that wasn't very smart, but it sure was brave. Good for you.


Do you want to be a singer? Or do you want to be an artist?


I'm a real bastard I know it.


It's okay. Juliette knows you're my dad.


Scarlett: You might have weird co-dependent relationships with you ex-boyfriends but I do not.

Rayna: What are you talking about?

Scarlett: Deacon. If you say jump he will always ask "how high?"!

I think my head is trying to catch up with my heart.


Juliette: I'm not gonna lie.

Jeff: You are a lie. An uneducated, mildly talented lie and you know it.

Do you think you're talented? Do you think you deserve this house? Cause I think you're just visiting. That you're just trailer trash, hiding under a pile of sequins. You should thank God for your good fortune, not deny he exists.

Jeff [to Juliette]

That's what confuses me about women. You say one thing and mean another.


In order to get a good deal, you gotta be a big deal. Or ya know, bring some kind of heat to the table.


For better or for worse, you and I have written a lot of hits together.

Rayna [to Deacon]

I'm not writing a brief here. I'm writing a song. It's a different ball game.


No I'm not alright. I'm disgusting.


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