1: Meeting The Boys

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I smooth my flimsy shirt down and rub a few dog hairs off my pencil skirt.  Today is the first day of meeting the new boss, after the old one fired me.  I sigh deeply and walk toward the front door of the huge mansion.  Being a maid wasn't exactly my first choice of job, but after I ran away from home, it's the only job available to a degree-less teenager such as myself.  And, I need the money if I ever want to go to college.  My heels click on the marble stairs and then the concrete as I walk to the door.  As soon as I knock, it swings open to reveal 2 boys, each with eyes full of lust. 
"Nice pick."  One says as he pulls me inside.  He smacks my ass as I walk by, making my face erupt in redness. 
"We said a short skirt, bitch." 
"I-I-I'm sorry."  He shakes his head and sighs. 
"No matter, there's a change of clothes upstairs.  Let's go."  I follow him up a spiraling staircase onto the third floor.  The floor is full of open doors, and at least two guys stand out looking at us as we walk by.  The guy showing me around must notice my surprise, because he explains them to me. 
"This is a fraternity.  These guys have been looking forward to you all week."  He throws me a wicked smile before pushing me into a room and pressing me up against the wall.  "But I called first dibs." 
"W-what do you mean?"  He shakes his head and throws me toward the bed. 
"Don't worry yet, just get dressed.  There's clothes on the bed."  I turn toward the bed to find a pink crop top, a floral short skirt, lace panties and a bra, and a pair of black stilletoes. 
"Aren't you going to leave?"  He laughs and sits on a chair next to the door. 
"No, I want to watch you do it."  I shakily take off my shirt, skirt and heels, but hesitate in taking off my bra and panties.  Finally, with a glare from my boss, I slide them off.  "Stop."  He commands before I can put on anymore clothes.  He gets up out of the chair and walks closer to me.  I lean farther from him as he pushes me back, until I'm laying on the bed.  He lifts me closer to the head of the bed, and takes something out of his pocket.  /cuffs./
That's when it clicks.  I thrash against him, but it's no use.  He clips both my wrists to the bed, and both my legs.  Tears stream down my face as he climbs on top of me with a smile.  He reaches his hand toward my area with a smirk, and softly puts on finger in.  He moves slow at first, but then puts the second one in, and then the third, until his whole fist is in me.  I scream at the top of my lungs and sob for him to stop, but he just smirks at me.  Finally, he stops, making my breathes come heavy. 
"Well, I promised the boys they would each get a small shot with you.  So let's go."  He uncuffs me and drags me off the bed.  There's four boys standing outside of the room, and each grab one of my limbs.  They lift me to their shoulders and start to carry me toward a room at the other side of the hall.  The boys crowd around us, grabbing my junk and fingering me as we walk by.  They lay me on the floor of the room, and walk out, soon I hear yelling from outside. 
"Okay boys!  You each get one shot with her!  No taking off your clothes, or you'll never see her again."  After a moment of silence, a boy walks in with a smirk on his face.  I scream and kick as he touches me, but it doesn't do anything.  It goes on like this for what seems like forever, and I soon start to give up and just let my body go limp. 
~The Last One~
As I lay limp on the floor, one more boy comes into the room.  I whimper as he walks closer to me, and he just laughs. 
"Let me introduce myself.  I'm the leader of this fraternity thing. We're done for the day, so it's time for you to go to bed. Can you walk?" I try to stand up, but every time I try and take a step, I fall back down. "That's fine." He lifts me up onto his shoulder, and my head hangs down his back. We walk through the halls, but this time I don't feel anyone touching me, and I internally sigh in relief. After a minute of walking, he opens a door and sets me down on a cold floor. I gasp as I look around the room. A metal table sits in the middle, covered in straps and blood. Around the room is shelfs, each holding a different sex/torture object. And in the corner sits two cages, with one occupied. She has blonde hair that hangs down to her butt, bright blue eyes and a curvy figure. She wears a small white dress, but nothing else.
"Hey, Avianna." She just whimpers and backs farther into her cage. "Avianna is an alumni's sister. He gave her to us during his graduation." I gasp.
"That's horrible!"
"Well, we probably treat her better than he ever did." I look over at her again, and seriously doubt his statement, considering the bruises and scars covering her. "Alright, Avianna, it's time to go to bed.  Let's go."  He drags her out of her cage and onto the table.  She doesn't try and get away, she doesn't even fight back, she willingly moves into the table.  He straps her in, and then turns to me.  I back away from him, until I'm pressed against the wall behind him.  "Let's go, slave."  I whimper as he slaps me across the cheek.  Finally, I walk over to the table, where he straps me next to Avianna. 
"Hmm, what am I using tonight..."  He laughs as I whimper, and pulls something out of the cabinets.  He steps toward me and holds up 2 massive vibrators.  A scream leaves my mouth as he shoves them up my pussy and ass and sets them on the highest setting.  "These ones spray water in you every 5 minutes."  He tells me with a wicked smile.  He pulls another one out of the shelf and turns to Avianna. 
"I can leave you out of this tonight, but I'll do double the pain to Percy."  Avianna sighs loudly, and turns to me and mouths sorry. 
"Give it to Percy."  The guy smiles at her and turns to me again.  He shoves the vibrator into my mouth, and ties it in with a cloth.  I gag against it, and drool already starts pooling on the table under me.  He pulls out nipple clamps and placed them on me, then takes a step back. Satisfied with his work, he turns toward Avianna and unclips her.
"You can sleep with me tonight, Anna. And no cumming tonight, Percy" She nods, and he holds the door open for her. She walks out in front of him, and he leaves after her, slamming the door behind him. Sobs take over my body as I squirm on the table. This is going to be a long night.

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