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     I just came back from my neighborhood pool. My skin is weird and pruny. I just had my foot pointed and I was sitting on it (I don't know why but I sit in weird positions), and now it's wrinkly and numb. Did I spell numb correctly? Is it num? I don't know. Please comment and tell me! It was numb (num?) because I was sitting on it. In case you didn't know.
     Also, for some reasons, I want to mention my peeps on Wattpad:
I can't forget me and all my peeps:
THE SAGGY SQUAD is only accepting 2 more people to join the squad! PLEASE help them reach 666 followers soon! If you're not any of the peeps above↖️ and you're reading this (which I doubt), go check them out! Gosh, my foot is so wrinkly!

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