In the Car

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     I'm in my car w/ my parents listening to music w/ my earbuds, really getting in touch w/ my inner moody teen (how many times can I put w/ in a sentence?). I'm on my way to my lake house, which is kinda like a lake...cabin. It's not bad, and I don't want to go anymore deeper into my moody teen personality and complain when it's a 5 story house in the Hamptons. Except it's not. It's not finished and was built light years ago (okay, not really). Bugs of all sorts are EVERYWHERE dead or alive. Both are equally gross. Once it was raining really hard, so the power went out, and while my mom, my sister, and I were playing cards (w/ the light of a lantern), my sister went to run her fingers through her long gold-brown hair, and stung her finger by a wasp. That wasp was in her hair. Yeah. Whatever, it's still fun. Don't worry, I have wifi there, so I'll be posting this at the cabin, not my car, 'cause I don't have wifi in here. One more thing about my lake house, is that when you swim in the lake, sometimes the fish (yes, there are fish in the lake😱) will come closer to the surface and nibble on your feet. It is kinda weird and annoying, but you get used to it. Also fishing is boring and takes forever, so I, instead, get on a huge intertube and drop pieces of bread, hot dog, and worm (live bait) into the hole, and stick a net in there and catch fish (I have a talent for it). Don't worry it's legal to use a net to fish in our lake. That wasn't one thing. Whelp, looks like I'm here. There are spiders on the car already!😁👍🏽

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