panic! at the p!@td concert

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Well, it's been a while my friends. While I've been gone I've gained a follower (please check her out: Kpopobessed )and started a HUGE Panic! At the Disco obsession (how exciting). Now, there are positive and (most definitely) negative effects of becoming part of a bandom. A few positive things is that you have AWESOME new music to listen to, the members of the band are probably quite attractive (and if they're not, it's not a problem!), and if your life is pretty boring - as mine is now-, there's some positive things to look forward to (new albums, live shows, band members' hair). Although, all great things in life have negative effects. Once you're in a bandom, there's really no escaping. This band has taken over your life. You spend hours and hours a day listening to the music. You spend hours and hours a day just looking at GIFs of the band members laughing.
You spend hours and hours a day crying about how the band members are (probably) married/in a relationship and also 15 years older than you, so there's no way of you possibly ever dating them. Lastly (this one really applies to me), you spend WAY too much of your time finding ways to go to the c0nCerT ThAT iS c0MinG t0 Y0uR Fł1PP1NG CITY 0N BRENDON BOYD URIE'S FLIPPING BIRTHDAY!!!!!! sorry, sorry. i'm just very excited b/c my mom said that she would get tickets and take me. that is literally the only reason i exist. to see beebo's beautiful forehead in person. also, as always, i'm typing this late at night (about 1:30 am) b/c i have no idea how to sleep. to go along with this little concert rant, i'm kind of nervous to go to a panic! concert w/ my mom. and i have every right to be. brendon is going to curse and say some inappropriate things onstage. this usually wouldn't bother me much, but i am going w/ my mom. my mom will probably not react as chill as I would to this. and since it's brendon's birthday the day he comes to my town for the concert, the inappropriateness is going to be 5x worse. i'm planning on just acting all innocent like "the poor grooms bride is a what?" when all that happens. i also plan on making a poster  to bring to the concert that on one side says "Happy Birthday, Brendon" and on the other side either say "The Good, The Bad, And The Urie" or "Who The Heck Is Beebo?" please comment and tell me which one you like better. i think I might choose "The Good, The Bad, And The Urie". goodbye, lovelies!

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