New Home

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"Mom!! Where is my uniform?" I yell in full panic mode.

"It's down here Venus," she replies from downstairs making me breath a sigh of relief. "Thank You!"

"Your welcome," She replies. I run down the stairs and grab my uniform off the back of my chair at the table and kiss my mom on the cheek before I run up the stairs. I put on my uniform and look at the clock. I'm early. Surprising, since I was up till 3:00 A.M. working on a song. I sit down at my piano and start to play the chorus. I start to sing. My door opens and my mom comes in holding a camera.

"Happy First Day of School in Korea my little school girl!" She comes in singing.

"Momma!!!!" I jump up and grab the camera and turn it off making her giggle.

"How long have you been standing there?!" I ask worry springing in my heart.

"Long enough to hear your singing. Venus, you can really make a living off your voice and work ethic." I nod.

"I know mom. I plan to." I look at the clock, "Oh my god! I got to go! Bye!!" I kiss her cheek as I run out the door. My dad is at work. He came into my room before he left and wished me luck. I am half-Korean half-American. My mother is American and owns one of the big chain hotel companies in America and my father owns a music company here in South Korea. We moved to Korea because my mom can live out of country from her company but my father can't. My parents met when momma was just working at a hotel and trying to earn enough money to open her own. Dad was staying in the hotel for a business meeting that was held in America. It was love at first site, or so I'm told. Momma wants me to pursue my dreams of being a singer but my father does not. He says he doesn't want me to become a singer because he has seen so many good people become snobs when they got famous. I run out the door to catch the bus. I grab a seat in the back and play with my dyed hair to calm my nerves down. Just as we start to pull away a short boy, though I cant really talk because I'm short too, with the same color hair as me runs out the door of the dorm next to mine. My parents bought us a dorm building because there is plenty of room for all three of us. He runs onto the bus and bows to the driver.

"I'm very sorry," he says to her. She nods.

"It's ok," she replies. He walks to the back of the bus. My row is the only one not full. I move over so he has room to sit. He bows to me and sits down. I bow the best I can sitting down.

"Hello," I say.

"Hello," he replies. I turn to look out the window. The verse I have been looking for Pops into my head. I take out the paper with my lyrics on them and write it down. He looks at the paper over my shoulder.

"What is that?" he asks.

"NOTHING!" I reply stuffing the paper into my book-bag.

"Come on let me see," he says.

"I don't even know you," I say.

"True," he says nodding he sticks out his hand, "Hello, I'm Jihoon but you can call me Woozi."

"Venus, and you can call me... I don't know," I say shrugging. He laughs. He has an amazing laugh.

"Now can I see it?" he asks. I sigh.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhh, fiiiiiiiiine," I take it out of my book-bag and hand it to him. He smiles and reads it. His eyes get big as he reads. He looks at me.

"Is this a song?" He asks.

"Ummmmm... maybe?" I reply. My face turns red with embarrassment. I try to take it back from him but he pulls it away from my reach.

"Did you write this?" he asks.

"Ummmmmmmm... maybe?" I reply again. He laughs again. There's that laugh again.

"Why are you so embarrassed?" He asks, "this is amazing!" My face heats up again.

"Well... no one else has seen it except for my mom who heard me this morning. Without me knowing," I reply. "Wait, what did you say your name was again? Woozi? THE Woozi?" I ask. He smiles.

"You heard off me?" he asks.

"Who hasn't?" I reply. My face turns red even more. I groan and put my head on my hands. THE Woozi just read my song.

"What's wrong?" he asks. Is that worry in his voice?

"THE Woozi... The producer and song writer for the k-pop band Seventeen... Just read one of my songs." I say.

"ONE of them?" he asks, "You have more?" He suddenly lights up.

"Yes, but I am NOT showing you! They are sooo bad!" I reply sitting up.

"If they are even half as good as this song, they are amazing," he replies. I am about to respond when we pull up to the school. Finally. I run off the bus into the front of office.

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